
单词 droil
释义 I. droil, n. Obs.
Forms: (6 droyelle), 6–7 droyl(e, 7 droil(e.
[The origin and mutual relations of this and the related droil v. are not clear. The n. has been (very doubtfully) compared with Icel. drjóli, drone, sluggard. According to analogy (as well as dates), the vb. would be expected to be formed from the n. in sense 1; the vb. however is possibly related to Du. druilen to loiter, slumber, in Kilian druylen ‘suggredi, latenter siue clam ire’, which answers for the form, but imperfectly for the sense. The word has prob. been influenced by toil, moil. Cf. also droy.]
1. A servant of all work; a drudge.
1579Remedy agst. Love Db, A bond man to his appetites, A drudge unto a droyelle.1583Golding Calvin on Deut. xcvi. 593 If his master would send him to the feeldes or vse him as a droyle in his house to doe whatsoeuer he had to be done.1642Rogers Naaman 301 So they be faithfull droiles and drudges, they think more cannot be required.1668Wilkins Real Char. ii. xi. §1. 264 Conditions of men..Freeman..Slave..Bondman..Droyl, Drudge.
2. Drudgery; toil in disagreeable work.
1639Shirley Gentl. Venice i. ii, 'Tis I do all the droil, the dirt-work.1645Quarles Sol. Recant. ii. 22 For what reward hath man of all his droyle.
II. droil, v. Obs.
Forms: 6–7 droyl(e, 7 droil(e,
[goes with droil n., q.v.]
1. intr. To drudge, slave, toil in mean work.
1591Spenser M. Hubberd 157 Let such vile vassalls borne to base vocation Drudge in the world, and for their living droyle.1635Quarles Embl. i. iii. (1718) 14 O who would droil, Or delve in such a soil!1660H. More Myst. Godl. v. xvii. 207 To make mill-horses of them, that they may the better droile and drudge for the satisfaction of their lusts.
2. trans. To subject to drudgery. rare.
1645Quarles Sol. Recant. i. 22 To what hopefull end Droyle we our crazy bodies?
Hence ˈdroiling vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1607Hieron Wks. I. 135 Moiling and droiling there is for the world without measure.1641Milton Reform. i. (1851) 3 [The soul] left the dull and droyling carcas to plod on in the old rode, and drudging Trade of outward Conformity.1674Govt. Tongue ix. §13 The droiling pesant scarce thinks there is any world beyond his own village, or the neighboring markets.

