“Good Templar”的英英意思

单词 Good Templar
释义 Good Templar
A member of the ‘Independent Order of Good Templars’, an organization of total abstainers established in the U.S. in 1851, on the model of freemasonry, and introduced into England in 1868. Hence ˌGood ˈTemplarism, ˌGood ˈTemplary, the principles of this organization.
1874(title) The Good Templars' Magazine; a Monthly Journal of Literature devoted to the interests of the Independent Order of Good Templars.Ibid. 46 Good Templary is emphasizing that teaching..The Good Templar believes that [etc.].1887Globe 26 Aug. 1/3 As sober as a lodge full of Good Templars.1897Daily News 13 Feb. 6/7 The mortgagee of the chapel..objected to them on the ground that they were Good Templars, and Good Templary was not ‘a distinctly Christian organization’.

