
单词 catalogue
释义 I. catalogue, n.|ˈkætəlɒg|
Forms: 5 cateloge, cathaloge, catholog, cattologue, 7 cathalogue, 6, 9 catalog, 6– catalogue.
[a. F. catalogue, and ad. late L. catalogus, a. Gr. κατάλογος register, list, catalogue, f. καταλέγειν to choose, pick out, enlist, enroll, reckon in a list, etc., f. κατά down + λέγ-ειν to pick, choose, reckon up, etc.]
1. a. A list, register, or complete enumeration; in this simple sense now Obs. or arch.
1460J. Capgrave Chron. 71 And than was Cyriacus Pope, but..he is not put in the Cateloge of Popes.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 295/4 He was..set to the Cathaloge of martirs.c1535G. Du Wes Introd. Fr. in Palsgr. 936 They be noted..among the Catalogue of verbes.1587in Ellis Orig. Lett. ii. 229 III. 133 That leaving a Catalog of all our names we may depart.1630Wadsworth Sp. Pilgr. vii. 72 A Catalogue of the Monasteries, Seminaries, and Nunneries in Flanders.1660(title), Englands Glory, Or, an Exact Catalogue of the Lords of His Maiesties most Honourable Privy Councel.1711Addison Spect. No. 74 ⁋10 In the Catalogue of the Slain the Author has followed the Example of the greatest ancient Poets.1839J. Yeowell Anc. Brit. Ch. xi. (1847) 127 In some of the catalogues of the bishops, St. Petrock is mentioned as the first.
b. fig. List, roll, series, etc.
1590Barrow & Greenwood in Conferences 41 Your cattologue of lyes wherof you accuse vs.1611Shakes. Cymb. i. iv. 5 Though the Catalogue of his endowments had bin tabled by his side.1719Young Revenge ii. i, I have turn'd o'er the catalogue of woes.1792Burgess in Corr. Ld. Auckland (1861) II. 438 To fill up the catalogue of their calamities.1824Travers Disc. Eye 325 The frightful catalogue of disasters which the spirit of controversy promulgates.
2. Now usually distinguished from a mere list or enumeration, by systematic or methodical arrangement, alphabetical or other order, and often by the addition of brief particulars, descriptive, or aiding identification, indicative of locality, position, date, price, or the like.
1667Pepys Diary (1879) IV. 227 Home, and to my chamber, and there finished my Catalogue of books.1676Lister in Ray's Corr. (1848) 124, I am well pleased your Catalogue of Plants is again to be printed.1727Swift Gulliver iii. iii. 196 They have made a catalogue of ten thousand fixed stars.1834M. Somerville Connex. Phys. Sc. xxxvii. (1849) 416 The first catalogue of double stars, in which their places and relative positions are given.1870L'Estrange Miss Mitford I. v. 154 [It] may apply almost as well to the Booksellers' Catalogue as to the Parish Register.Mod. (title), The London Catalogue of British Plants. The British Museum Catalogue.
3. a. A list of college or university graduates, alumni, or teachers. b. A university or college calendar. U.S.
1682J. Bishop in Mass. Hist. Coll. (1868) 4th Ser. VIII. 311, I lately received..a Catalogue of Harvard's sons.1786in J. Maclean Hist. Coll. N.J. (1877) I. 344 Ordered, That a complete catalogue of the graduates of this College be prepared and published at the expense of the present Senior class.1812(title) Catalogue of the Officers and Students [of Harvard].1823(title) Catalogue of officers and students in Yale College November 1823.1842Z. Thompson Hist. Vermont ii. 155 Middlebury College..Catalogue of Alumni and Honorary Graduates.1873J. H. Beadle Undevel. West xxxi. 686 The ‘University of Deseret’ puts forth a pretentious catalogue, with a lengthy list of professors.1945G. Santayana Middle Span viii. 159 My name had figured in the Harvard Catalogue..for 30 years.
4. Miscellaneous attrib. uses.
1892Photogr. Ann. II. 127 Each of the catalogue plates will have two exposures.1899Daily News 29 Apr. 7/3 A Piccadilly firm have offered to buy at catalogue price the picture by Policeman Jones, of Leeds, accepted for the Royal Academy.1908Amer. Libr. Assoc. Catalog Rules p. v, The size and quality of catalog cards.1961Oxf. Mail 6 Oct. 2/3 (Advt.), Catalogue paster required.
II. catalogue, v.|ˈkætəlɒg|
[f. the n. Cf. F. cataloguer.]
1. trans. To make a catalogue or list of; to enumerate in catalogue form.
1598Chapman Iliad ii. Argt., Beta..catalogues the navall knights.a1612Harington Brief View Ch. 80 (T.) He so cancelled, or catalogued, and scattered our books.1705Prowse in Hearne Collect. (1885) I. 10, I am..busie in Catalogueing his Books.1863M. E. Braddon Eleanor's Vict. I. i. 3, I would rather not catalogue her other features too minutely.1884Law Times 3 May 11/1 [He] had begun to lot and catalogue the furniture.1886Pall Mall G. 15 Jan. 6/2 While engaged in cataloguing a library.
2. To inscribe or insert in a catalogue. Also fig.
1635Heywood Lond. Sinus Sal. Wks. 1874 IV. 298 Amongst Schollars (In which number I may Catalogue your Lordship).1762–71H. Walpole Anecd. Paint. III. i. (R.) If religion is thrown into the quarrel, the most innocent acts are catalogued with sins.1870M. Bridgman R. Lynne II. iii. 64 He had catalogued Dicky Blake as a fool.1886Law Times LXXX. 165/1 The book..was catalogued under the author's name only.
3. absol.
1602Warner Alb. Eng. ix. xliv. (1612) 212 And here occasion apteth that we catalogue a while.
Hence ˈcatalogued ppl. a., ˈcataloguing vbl. n.
1795Burke Regic. Peace iv. Wks. IX. 102 Their studied, deliberated, catalogued files of murders.1830Herschel Stud. Nat. Phil. 79 Mineralogy ceased to be..a mere laborious cataloguing of stones and rubbish.

