
单词 functionalism
释义 ˈfunctionalism
[f. functional a. + -ism.]
1. Social Sciences. The method of studying, or the theory of, the functional interactions and adaptations of particular phenomena within a given framework or structure.
1914J. B. Watson Behavior i. 9 We advance the view that behaviorism is the only consistent and logical functionalism.1932Encycl. Social Sci. VI. 524/1 The reason is probably the fact that the whole trend of the social process since Darwin has been in the direction of functionalism and might be described as its verification and validation.1933P. Radin Method & Theory Ethnol. vi. 176 Why a new term like functionalism should be applied to it is not at all evident.1937R. H. Lowie Hist. Ethnol. Theory xiii. 235 Malinowski's functionalism is avowedly antidistributional, antihistorical, and treats each culture as a closed system except insofar as its elements correspond to vital biological urges.1944B. Malinowski Sci. Theory of Culture x. 117 The type of criticism levelled against functionalism, to the effect that it never can prove why a specific form..of table implement or theological concept, is prevalent in a culture, derives from the prescientific craving for first causes.1951R. B. Macleod in Rohrer & Sherif Social Psychol. at Crossroads 224 Functionalism..has settled down to the ‘middle of the road’ American psychology.1956J. H. M. Beattie in A. Pryce-Jones New Outl. Mod. Knowl. 259 But basic to all forms of functionalism is the view that the facts of social life may not usefully be thought of as a collection of separate elements.1963C. Jacobson tr. Lévi-Strauss's Struct. Anthropol. v. xv. 290 Therefore, historico-geographical concerns should not be excluded from the field of structural studies, as was generally implied by the widely accepted opposition between ‘diffusionism’ and ‘functionalism’.
2. Regard for the function and purpose of a building as regulating its shape and style. Also in extended use.
1930Observer 29 June 20 Sugar-cube architecture, or to be impressively abstract ‘Functionalism’.Ibid. 5 Oct. 19 This is what is called the architecture of functionalism. The architectural form arises purely out of the purpose of the building.1935Fortnightly Apr. 410 We are now told that ‘Functionalism’ is the one and only test of art.1941Burlington Mag. Feb. 66/2 His definition of modern ‘Functionalism’ will not satisfy all readers, though it will make many of them chuckle: ‘The theory that any building which could be made to stand up at all was All Right.’1955S. Spender Making of Poem i. 18 Functionalism is the philistinism of people who talk about a work of art as a ‘well-done job’ like any other piece of plumbing.1957E. H. Gombrich Story of Art xxvii. 421 The theories for which the Bauhaus stood are sometimes condensed in the slogan of ‘functionalism’—the belief that if something is only designed to fit its purpose we can let beauty look after itself.

