
单词 sabbatize
释义 sabbatize, v.|ˈsæbətaɪz|
Also sabbathize.
[ad. L. sabbatīz-āre, ad. Gr. σαββατίζειν, f. σάββατον Sabbath: see -ize. Cf. F. sabbatiser.]
1. intr. To keep the Sabbath; to observe a specified day as a day of rest.
1608Willet Hexapla Exod. 247 They are also commanded to keepe the Sabbaths rest, to Sabbatize.a1716Bp. O. Blackall Wks. (1723) I. 214 We do not so Sabbatise as we should do, if we give only one Day of the Week to God, and the other six Days to the Devil.1881Blackie Lay Serm. ii. 105 A Samaritan..made it a point..in whatever attitude the first moment of the day had found him, in that position to remain..: if sitting, then to Sabbatise in the sitting attitude.
b. fig. To enjoy or undergo a period of rest analogous to a Sabbath.
1382Wyclif 1 Esdras i. 58 Al the time of ther forsaking he [i.e. the land] sabatisede, in the apliyng of seuenti ȝer.1596Bell Surv. Popery i. iii. v. 109 Although the mind regenerate do sabbatize in the Lord.1625Gill Sacr. Philos. ii. 140 But if there were no incarnation..neither our understanding, nor our sences could have any object wherein to rest and sabbatize.a1711Ken Edmund Poet. Wks. 1721 II. 89 It was the Day which Jesus canoniz'd, When he from all his Dolours sabbatiz'd.
2. trans. To observe or keep as a Sabbath; to assimilate to a Sabbath.
1609Bible (Douay) Lev. xxv. 2 Thou shalt sabbatize the sabbath to the Lord.1880W. Smith's Dict. Chr. Antiq. II. 1052/2 The tendency to sabbatize the Lord's day is due chiefly to the necessities of legal enforcement.1906H. Begbie Priest xvi. 256 Silvia is inclined to Sabbatize the week-days.
3. To give sabbatical rest to. Obs. rare—1.
1701Beverley Apoc. Quest. 8 For the Type is Sacrifice Honourably Sabbatiz'd, and at Rest in the Antitype, Our Lord Jesus Christ, our great Sacrifice Sabbatizing All Sacrifice by the sacrifice of Himself.
Hence ˈsabbatizing vbl. n. Also ˈsabbatizer, in quot. one who observes the Jewish Sabbath.
1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 122 The Jewes on their Sabbaths..did vse..to drink somwhat more largely (a Sabbatising too much, by too many Christians imitated).1683Hickes Case Inf. Bapt. 61 Let the Adversaries of Infant-Baptism consider..Whether rejecting of it..they do not teach others, especially Atheists, pure Deists, and Sabbatizers..a way to deny all the rest.a1711Ken Preparatives Poet. Wks. 1721 IV. 20 Wear Jesus Yoke,..'Twill prove a Sabbatising to your Mind.1742J. Glas Lord's Supper ii. (1883) 76 Our sabbatizing, or resting from our own works on the first day of the week is a sign of the truth of the promise of entering into his rest.1855People's Sunday 5, I shall, therefore, further show the complete absence of scripture authority for the doctrines of our Sabbatizing brethren.

