
单词 sacrificer
释义 sacrificer|ˈsækrɪfaɪsə(r)|
[f. sacrifice v. + -er1.]
1. One who offers up a sacrifice.
1563Winȝet Four Scoir Thre Quest. §25 Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 90 Quhy teche ze.. that the wordis of sanctificatioun of the sacrament of our Lordis body and bluid ar nocht to be pronounceit to the end, that thair suld be ony transubstantiatioun thairby, or be the intent of the sacrificear [Edinb. MS. sacrifiar]?1597Cert. Prayers in Liturg. Serv. Q. Eliz. (Parker Soc.) 672 We..live and die the sacrificers of our souls for such obtained favour.1643Milton Divorce Pref. (1644) 2 A famous man in Israel could not but oblige his conscience to be the sacrificer..of his innocent and only daughter.1742Blair Grave 140 Like..victim..That throbs beneath the sacrificer's knife.1848R. I. Wilberforce Doctr. Incarnation xii. (1852) 305 The earthly sacrificer truly exhibits to the Father that body of Christ which is the one only Sacrifice for sins.1884Whiton in Chr. World 4 Sept. 663/2 Paul boldly intimates, that if Christ is the only sacrificer and sufferer for humanity, then something is lacking in the saving work of the Saviour.
2. spec. A sacrificial priest.
1547Bk. of Marchauntes e v b, It is much better to here..Helie alone than all the sacryficers of Baal.1548tr. Viret's Expos. xii Art. Chr. Faith E iv, Whyche was figured by the kynges and prophetes of Israell, and by the sacrificers of the Leuites.1605Willet Hexapla Gen. 168 The great sacrificer and high priest Melchisedech.1693J. Edwards Author. O. & N. Test. 385 He being a Jewish priest, a legal sacrificer.1727De Foe Hist. Appar. iii. (1840) 24 The patriarchal heads of families, who..were the only sacrificers at that time, as Abraham and as Job were.1865J. H. Ingraham Pillar of Fire (1872) 518 The chief sacrificer advanced, leading a Hebrew boy,..whom he laid on the altar.
Hence ˈsacrificership, the office of a sacrificer.
1562T. Norton Calvin's Inst. Table of Matters s.v. Orders, Of Priesthode or sacrificership.

