
单词 Saracenism
释义 Saracenism rare.|ˈsærəsənɪz(ə)m|
[ad. med.L. Saracēnism-us race or country of the Saracens, f. Saracēnus Saracen. Cf. OF. Sarasinesme country of the Saracens.]
The political or religious organization of the Saracens.
1659Gauden Tears Ch. 356 Saracenism, Barbarism, and Atheisme.1855Milman Lat. Chr. xiv. vi. VI. 524 The Saxondom of his [sc. Arthur] foes recedes, the Paganism, even the Saracenism takes its place.1907Edin. Rev. Apr. 445 It was Saracenism that beat back the Cross on the plains of Syria.

