
单词 deepness
释义 deepness Now rare; displaced by depth.|diːpnɪs|
Forms: see deep a., and -ness; in ME. 4–5 depnes(se.
[OE. díopnes, déopnes, f. déop deep: see -ness.]
1. The quality of being deep, or of considerable extension or distance downwards, or inwards; depth.
1382Wyclif Matt. xiii. 5 For thei hadde nat depnesse of erthe.c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 89 Þouȝ þat þei acorden togidere in depnes & in streitnesse of þe mouþ.1530Palsgr. 213/1 Depnesse of any thyng, profundité.1653H. Cogan tr. Pinto's Trav. XLII. 169 A river..which for the bredth and deepness of it is frequented with much shipping.1765A. Dickson Treat. Agric. (ed. 2) 121 Seeds, many of which, from their deepness in the earth, will not vegetate.1823Scott Peveril iv, The deepness of his obeisance.
b. Of ground or roads: cf. deep a. 5. Obs.
1603Knolles (J.), By reason of the deepness of the way and heaviness of the great ordnance.1632Lithgow Trav. vi. 292 The deepnesse of the Way.1780Impart. Hist. War Amer. 240 [The troops] had suffered excessively from the severity of the climate, the deepness of the roads.
2. Measurement or dimension downwards, inwards, or through; depth.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 10, 312 Fyue fot hit haþ of depnes.1413Lydg. Pilgr. Sowle v. xiv. (1483) 107 Ther is no body parfit withouten thre dymensions that is breede lengthe and depnesse.1551Recorde Pathw. Knowl. i. Defin., As I take it here, the depenesse of his bodie is his thicknesse in the sides.1665Sir T. Herbert Trav. (1677) 252 The deepness of the Sea usually answers to the height of Mountains.1703Maundrell Journ. Jerus. (1732) 138 In deepness they were four yards each.
3. fig. Of thought, knowledge, etc.: Depth; penetration; profundity.
a1000Hymns iii. 33 (Gr.) Swa þæt æniᵹ ne wat eorðbuendra ða deopnesse Drihtnes mihta.a1225Leg. Kath. 980 Þis is nu þe derfschipe of þi dusi onsware, and te deopnesse.1340Ayenb. 105 Þe dyepnesse of his zoþhede.c1440Secrees 127 Þe clernesse of ȝoure wyt & þe depnesse of ȝoure conynge passys all men.1548–77Vicary Anat. Ep. Ded. (1888) 7 We who..practise in Surgerie, according to the deepnes of the Arte.1653Manton Exp. James i. 25 Deepness of Meditation.a1720Sheffield (Dk. Buckhm.) Wks. (1753) I. 271 Deepness of thought.
b. In bad sense: Deep cunning or subtlety.
1526Tindale Rev. ii. 24 Vnto you..which have not knowen the depnes of Satan.1646J. Gregory Notes & Obs. xxvi. (T.), The greatest deepness of Satan.
4. Of moral qualities, feelings, etc.: Depth, intensity; gravity.
c1175Lamb. Hom. 49 Þes put bitacneð deopnesse of sunne.a1533Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) H vi, The depenesse of good wylles ought to be wonne with the depnes of the hearte.1632Lithgow Trav. iii. 114 In the deepnesse of sorrow.
5. Of physical qualities, etc.:
a. Of sound: Sonorousness, or lowness of pitch.
b. Of colour, etc.: Intensity.
1626Bacon Sylva §852 Heat also dilateth the Pipes, and Organs, which causeth the Deepnesse of the Voice.1684R. H. School Recreat. 11 For Deepness of Cry, the largest Dogs having the greatest mouths.1711Budgell Spect. No. 116 ⁋3 These [hounds]..by the Deepness of their Mouths and the Variety of their Notes.1822Scott Pirate xx, Her glowing cheek..in the deepness of its crimson.
6. concr. A deep place or cavity, an abyss; a deep part of the sea, etc. Obs.
a1000Lamb. Ps. lxviii. 3 (Bosw.) Ic com on deopnysse sæ.c1000Gosp. Nicod. 24 (Bosw.) On ðære hellican deopnysse.a1300E.E. Psalter lxviii. 16 Ne ouerswelyhe me depenes.1382Wyclif Ps. cxlviii. 7 Dragonnes, and alle depnessis.c1440Promp. Parv. 118 Depenesse of watur, gurges.1450–1530Myrr. our Ladye 203 In heuen & in erthe & in see and in all depnesses.1502Ord. Crysten Men (W. de W. 1506) i. ii. 10 The destruccyon and the fallynge into depnes of al the townes, castelles and cytees of y⊇ world.
b. fig. A depth of thought, feeling, or being.
1340Ayenb. 211 Þe bene þet comþ of þe dyepnesse of þe herte.1535Coverdale 1 Cor. ii. 10 All thinges yee euen the depenesses of the Godhead.1549Compl. Scot. i. 21 The iugement of gode..is ane profound onknauen deipnes.

