
单词 imbrue
释义 imbrue, v.|ɪmˈbruː|
Forms: 5 enbrewe, en-, imbrowe, 6–7 imbrewe, 6–8 em-, imbrew, 6– em-, imbrue.
[a. OF. embreuver ‘to moisten, bedeaw, soake in, soften with liquor; also, to die, indue, imbue’ (Cotgr.), metathetic form of emb(e)uvrer, embev(e)rer, f. em-:—L. im- + -bevrer (It. -beverare):—*biberāre, f. L. bibĕre to drink.]
1. trans. To stain, dirty, defile. Obs.
1430[see imbrued].c1460J. Russell Bk. Nurture 331 Enbrewe not youre table..ne þer-vppon ye wipe youre knyffes.c1475Babees Bk. 157 Whanne ye shalle drynke, your mouthe clence..Youre handes eke that they in no manere Imbrowe the cuppe.1555Eden Decades 100 When their fingers are imbrued with any ounctuous meates.1579Tomson Calvin's Serm. Tim. 119/2 How can a man touche whot pitche..and be not embrued?1593Nashe Christ's T. 13 b, Stayning Berries, which embrued my hands.
2. To stain, dye (one's hand, sword, etc.) in or with (blood, slaughter, etc.).
1529More Dyaloge iv. Wks. 259/1 From howre to howre embruinge theyr handes in bloode.1577Hanmer Anc. Eccl. Hist. (1619) 337 Thy right hand is embrued with slaughter and bloodshed.1649Cromwell Let. 17 Sept. in Carlyle, These barbarous wretches, who have imbrued their hands in so much innocent blood.1658R. White tr. Digby's Powd. Symp. (1660) 138 A clout or rag of cloth embrued with the blood.c1704Prior Henry & Emma 273 These hands in murder are imbrued.1813Scott Rokeby iv. vi, Who has not heard how brave O'Neale In English blood embrued his steel?1848A. Jameson Sacr. & Leg. Art (1850) 335 They started back, unwilling to imbrue their hands in the blood of their host.
b. Said of blood or bleeding wounds. Now rare.
1597Daniel Civ. Wars Wks. (1717) 103 A Spring of Blood..embru'd the Face Of that accursed Caitiff.1636G. Sandys Paraphr. Ps. cxxxvi. ægyptians..Whose wounds the thirsty Earth imbrew.1776Mickle tr. Camoens' Lusiad 459 His son's life-gore his wither'd hands imbrews.1814Cary Dante, Inf. xii. 124 Shallow more and more the blood became, So that at last it but imbrued the feet.
3. In pregnant sense (with blood understood):
a. said of a person; also absol.;
b. of a weapon piercing a part;
c. with the weapon as object: to thrust, plunge, flesh. Obs.
a.1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, ii. iv. 210 What? shall wee haue Incision? Shall wee embrew?1715–20Pope Iliad xiv. 602 What chief, what hero, first embru'd the field?
b.c1580Sidney Ps. xxxvii. x, Their swordes shall their own hartes imbrew.1590Shakes. Mids. N. v. i. 350 Come trusty sword: Come blade, my brest imbrue.
c.1590Spenser F.Q. iii. xii. 32 A murdrous knife..The which he thought..In her tormented bodie to embrew.1703Pope Thebais 722 In their hearts embrues her cruel claws.1749Smollett Regicide v. vi, And in th' assassin's heart Imbru'd my faithful steel.
d. Her. To stain with blood: see imbrued.
4. To soak, steep in, or saturate with any moisture. Also absol. Obs.
c1555Harpsfield Divorce Hen. VIII (Camden) 200 The stones were imbrued with the tears of her devout eyes.1590P. Barrough Meth. Physick viii. (1639) 443 When all these [materials] be bruised, imbrue them in the juyce of Fumitory.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 211 One out of curiositie I tasted of, which..malignantly bit..my mouth and lips, as if Vitrioll and Sulphur had beene imbrued.
5. fig. To steep in; to imbue with; to infect.
1565Harding in Jewel Def. Apol. (1611) 344 Cornelius Agrippa..was imbrewed with Heresies that sprang vp in his time.1610Rowlands Martin Mark-all B iv b, Their mindes were imbrued with such follies.1639R. Gentilis Servita's Inquis. (1676) 868 It is done for fear lest they should be embrewed with some false Doctrine.1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 43 ‘Whereness’ is a word, which..is almost quite embrew'd in Body if not altogether.
6. ‘To pour, to emit moisture’ (J.).
1590Spenser F.Q. ii. v. 33 Some bathed kisses, and did soft embrew The sugured licour through his melting lips.
Hence imˈbruing vbl. n.
c1475Babees Bk. 147 On the borde lenynge be yee nat sene, But from embrowyng the clothe yee kepe clene.1552Huloet, Imbruynge, Loke defilynge.

