
单词 forswear
释义 forswear, v.|fəˈswɛə(r)|
Pa. tense forswore |-ˈswɔə(r)|. Pa. pple. forsworn |-ˈswɔːn|. Forms: see for- prefix and swear.
[OE. forswęrian str. vb., f. for- prefix1 + swęrian to swear.]
1. trans. To abandon or renounce on oath or in a manner deemed irrevocable; = abjure. to forswear the land, etc.: to swear to abandon it for ever. Also with inf. as obj.
Beowulf 804 He sigewæpnum forsworen hæfde.1297R. Glouc. (1724) 387 He made hym, vor hys treson, vorsuerye Engelond.c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 97 Þe lond boþe forsuore.c1470Henry Wallace x. 214, I wald forswer Scotland for euirmair.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. iv. 109 By suche contempt the grace offred is refused and as it were forsworne.1599Shakes. Pass. Pilgr. 33 A woman I forswore; but I will prove, Thou being a goddess, I forswore not thee.1622Drayton Poly-olb. xii. 84 They the Land at last did vtterly forsweare.1660Milton Free Commw. Wks. 1738 I. 588 The solemn Ingagement, wherin we all forswore Kingship.1775Sheridan Rivals ii. i, I shall forswear your company.1826Disraeli Viv. Grey v. xiii, I foreswore, with the most solemn oaths, the gaming table.1845S. Austin Ranke's Hist. Ref. III. 369 The whole system of pensions should be for ever forsworn.
b. with inf. as obj.
1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. i. i. 229 She hath forsworne to loue.1607Cor. v. iii. 80 The thing I haue forsworne to graunt.
2. To deny or repudiate on oath or with strong asseveration. Also with inf. or sentence as obj.
c1400Apol. Loll. 109 Appily I be not..constreyin be nede to..forsuer þe name of my Lord God.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 603/2 Peter..sinned not deadly at the time when he forswore Chryst.1565–73Cooper Thesaurus, Abiurauit creditum, he hath forsworne his debt.1590Shakes. Com. Err. v. i. 11 That selfe chaine about his necke, Which he forswore most monstrously to haue.15961 Hen. IV, v. ii. 39 His Oath-breaking: which he mended thus, By now forswearing that he is forsworne.a1625Boys Wks. (1629) 491 Who did euer offend in word more than Peter? forswearing his owne master.1712Arbuthnot John Bull iii. ix, If thou durst, [thou] would'st forswear thy own hand and seal.1738Pope Epil. Sat. i. 112 A Peer or Peeress..Who..forswears a Debt.
3. intr. To swear falsely, commit perjury.
a1000Laws of Edw. & Guth. §3 Gyf ᵹehadod man..forsweriᵹe oþþe forlicᵹe.1382Wyclif Matt. v. 33 Thou shalt not forswere.a1592Greene Jas. IV, v. iv, You swear, forswear, and all to compass wealth.1681Cotton Wond. Peake, To swear, curse, slaunder, and forswear More natural is to your Peak Highlander.a1763Shenstone Charms of Precedence 22 Do ye not flatter, lye, forswear,..And all for this.1876Farrar Marlb. Serm. xxvii. 265 The relative heinousness of forswearing by the temple and forswearing by its gold.
b. refl. To swear falsely, perjure oneself. Also pass. to be guilty of perjury.
a1000Laws Ecgb. P. ii. §24 Ȝif hwylc læwede man hine forsweriᵹe..fæste iiii. ᵹear.c1000ælfric Josh. ii. 20 We ne beoþ forsworene.c1175Lamb. Hom. 13 Ne for-swerie þu þe.c1205Lay 4124 Nu heo beð for-sworne mid heore swike-dome.1340Ayenb. 6 Yef he zuereþ uals be his wytinde; he him uorzuerrþ.c1400Rom. Rose 5973–4 If I forswere me, than am I lorn, But I wol never be forsworn.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. cclxxx. 419 He sware by his fathers soule, wherby he was neuer forsworne.1526–34Tindale Matt. v. 33 Thou shalt not forswere thy selfe, but shalt performe thyne othe to God.1666Wood Life (Oxf. Hist. Soc.) II. 89 Dr. Pelham forswore himself, having 800 li. lying by him.1709Steele Tatler No. 105 ⁋3, I hope you won't be such a perjured Wretch as to forswear your self.1838Lytton Leila v. iii, Hear one who never was forsworn.1871Blackie Four Phases i. 17, I have sworn to obey the laws, and I cannot forswear myself.
c. trans. To defraud of by perjury. Obs.
1668Rolle Abridgem., Tit. Action sur Case (F.) pl. 12. 40 Si home dit dun auter, He did forswear me..40s. worth of Tithes in Canterbury Court. Nul Action gist pur ceux Parols.
a. To swear by (a thing) falsely or profanely.
c1325Song Mercy 151 E.E. Poems (1862) 123 We stunt noþer for schame, ne drede To..For-swere his [God's] soule, his hert al-so.
b. To swear (something) falsely; to break (an oath); to forsake (sworn allegiance).
1580[see forsworn 2].a1631Donne Woman's Constancy 7 Wilt thou then..say..that oathes, made in reverentiall feare Of Love and his wrath, any may forsweare?1871R. Ellis tr. Catullus lxvii. 8 Duty of years forsworn, honour in injury lost.
5. To swear or vow to bring about. Obs. rare—1.
a1300Cursor M. 14561 (Cott.) Þe land o Iude he has for-born, For þar þai hafe his ded forsuorn.
Hence forˈswearing vbl. n. and ppl. a. forˈswearer, one who forswears (himself), a perjurer.
1340Ayenb. 57 Þise ten boȝes we moȝe alsuo nemni ydelnesse..lyesynges, vorzueriinges [etc.].1413Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton 1483) iii. v. 53 Ye lyers, forswerers and witnessers of falshede.1490Caxton Eneydos xxvi. 93 Dydo whan she dyde remembre the forsweryng of laomedon..made grete doubte to folowe theym.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. iv. xviii. (1634) 711 With forswearings..to enter forceably into any mans possession.1583Golding Calvin on Deut. xxxix. 230 God will in the end vtter his wrath both against forswearers and against theeues.16..Let. to Friend in Select. Harl. Misc. (1793) 484 The non-swearing, or forswearing clergy and laity, who will help forwards another revolution.1720De Foe Capt. Singleton i. (1840) 7 Forswearing..was the stated practice of the ship's crew.

