
单词 hollowness
释义 hollowness|ˈhɒləʊnɪs|
[f. as prec. + -ness.]
1. The quality or condition of being hollow; concavity; internal emptiness; sunken condition.
14..Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 571/32 Cavitas, holwnehse.c1440Promp. Parv. 244/1 Holownesse of a vesselle..concavitas.1545T. Raynalde Byrth Mankynde 9 b, The..matrix..a strong bladder, hauyng in it but one vniuersal holonesse.1593Shakes. Rich. II, i. ii. 59 Greefe boundeth where it falls, Not with the emptie hollownes, but weight.1664Evelyn Pomona iii. (R.), Old trees (quite decayed with an inward hollowness).a1822Shelley Mother & Son iii. 9 Within her ghastly hollowness of eye.
2. concr. and semi-concr. A hollow formation or place; a hollow, cavity, or concavity. Obs.
c1374Chaucer Troylus v. 1809 His lighte gost ful blysfully is went Vp to þe holwghnesse of þe seuenþe spere.1480Caxton Descr. Brit. 6 Atte cherdhoke there is a grete holownes vnder erthe.1611Markham Country Content. i. xii. 65 The Perch..abideth most in Creeks and hollownesses, which are about the bank.1715Molyneux in Phil. Trans. XXIX. 375 There are Nine of these Hollownesses and as many Eminences, undulated as they paint Sea Waves.
3. Of a sound or voice: see hollow a. 4.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. vii. xxvii. (1495) 242 Yf holownesse comyth of drynesse, it is knowen by drye coughe.1605Shakes. Lear i. i. 156 Whose low sounds Reuerbe no hollownesse.1884Mrs. C. Praed Zero II. 64 Helena was shocked at the hollowness of her voice.
4. Emptiness, vanity; insincerity, falseness.
1608–33Bp. Hall Medit. & Vows (1851) 202 Dissect this close heart of mine..and if thou findest any hollowness, fill it up.1790G. Walker Serm. II. xxi. 118 A thorough man of the world, who knows it in all its hollownesses.1886Manch. Exam. 13 Jan. 5/7 The hollowness of his professions.

