
单词 unthew
释义 unˈthew Obs.
[OE. unþéaw: see un-1 4 b and thew n.1]
A bad habit or custom; a vice.
c897K. ælfred Gregory's Past. C. 23 Feorðe [ðara dæla] is hu he his aᵹene unðeawas onᵹietan wille.c1175Lamb. Hom. 107 Twelf unþeawes beoð on þissere weorlde to hermen alle monnen.a1200Moral Ode 346 Þat buð ða þe heom sculdeð ȝeorne wid elche un-ðeawe.a1250Owl & Night. 194 He is of worde swyþe gleu, And him is loþ eurich vnþeu.1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 4850 A chylde Þat wyþ vnþewys wexyþ wylde, Þat wyl boþe myssey and do.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 190 Man may mysse þe myrþe, þat much is to prayse, For such vnþewez as þise & þole much payne.a1400Relig. Pieces fr. Thornton MS. 54 Þe conscience, þat chases owte alle vnthewes, and calles in alle gud vertus.

