
音标: 英 [sketʃ] 美 [skɛtʃ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 素描, 草图, 小品
v. 描绘略图, 画素描或速写

n. preliminary drawing for later elaboration
n. a brief literary description
n. short descriptive summary (of events)
v. make a sketch of


1. That sketch, all of those sketches are just musings.

那张草图 所有的草图都只是想法罢了

2. Then I shall do some charcoal sketches, studies of the head, the hands and then I'll work those sketches up.

接着我就会进行炭笔素描 仔细描绘头部 手部 然后草图就会逐渐完成

3. He made hundreds, thousands of sketches on every paper he could find, he made a sketch.

他在手边所有的纸张上 画了成百上千的草图

4. Unless you were working off this sketch.


5. I don't understand why all these sketches now.


6. He's here, sat in our car, sketching.

他就在这 坐在咱车里画画

7. That was just a daydream... a sketch.

那只是个白日梦 涂鸦而已

8. No, and he was a bust with the sketch artist, too.

是啊 他对素描师也没什么帮助

9. I was up all night, sketching my stamp.

我一晚没睡 都在画我的邮票

10. After we had sex, he made a sketch of me.

我们做完后 他画了一张我的素描
