
音标: 英 [perɪtə'ni:əl] 美 [perɪtə'ni:əl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 腹膜的
[医] 腹膜的

a. of or relating to or affecting the peritoneum


1. Well, severe peritonitis of the colon, for starters.

他有严重的结肠腹膜炎 这还只是个开始

2. The guy had drawn it from the left hip, but it was peritoneal fluid.

那家伙从他左髋关节采集的 但那是腹膜液

3. We can try peritoneal lavage to speed things up.


4. At ten years old, she became very ill with peritonitis.

她10歲時 患了重病 是腹膜炎

5. If we don't repair that perf, he's at risk for peritonitis, sepsis death.

要是不修复好那个穿孔 他会有 腹膜炎 脓毒症 以至于死亡的风险

6. Visualize the transduodenal peritoneal bands attached to the cecum and the ascending colon.

想象与盲肠和升结肠相连结的 十二指肠腹膜带

7. By the time he got to the hospital, he had a distended abdomen, peritoneal irritation and reduced hematocrit.

等来到医院时 他已经腹部肿胀 腹膜异常 红细胞压积下降

8. I will now divide the fibrous and peritoneal membranes using a circular manner at the neck.

现在我会在疝囊颈处环切 分离肌纤维和腹膜
