
音标: 英 ['krɒsbi:m]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 大梁, 横梁

n a horizontal beam that extends across something


1. You hit that cros*eam one more time, and the ceiling's coming down.

你再砸一下那个梁 屋顶就塌了

2. Check the cros*eams and let me know if you find any weeping.

检查一下横梁 发现任何不牢固就告诉我

3. I've met better men than you, and they've been hanged from cros*eams, or beheaded, or just shat themselves to death in a field somewhere.

我见过比你更好的人 他们被吊死在大梁上 或被砍头 或在荒郊野外惨兮兮地死掉
