
音标: 英 [dregz] 美 [dreɡz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 少量;渣滓;沉淀物(dreg的复数)

n. sediment that has settled at the bottom of a liquid


1. I am down to the dregs of the energy we collected.


2. She had me locked up in here with the dregs of humanity.

她把我关在这里 跟一群*一起

3. Another dreg of humanity for you to work on.


4. Without a ship, i'm stuck chasing the dregs.

没有飞船 我只能在这里到处抓小混混

5. spying on the dregs of society until our suspect surfaces.

监视着社会的阴暗面 直到我们的嫌疑犯露面…

6. Ok, dregs of society dirt, show yourselves.

人类社会的败类 现形吧

7. But if you don't get the theater now, we're stuck with the dregs.

但如果现在不租个剧院 就找不到像样的地方了

8. performed on unwitting droids by dregs and criminals.


9. You get a bad write up and then you're left with the dregs noone else wants.

要是你得到了差评 你就只能拣别人不要的*了

10. Wow, you open any door in this *ing city, the dregs blow right in.

真是随便打开一扇门 就能看到*
