
音标: 英 [ˈwɔ:təʃed] 美 [ˈwɔtɚˌʃɛd,ˈwɑtə-]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 流域, 分水岭
[医] 分水界, 分水岭

n. a ridge of land that separates two adjacent river systems


1. I suppose, than a watershed of adulation.


2. That was a real watershed event in her public life.


3. So our goal is to cover the entire coastline in order to fully protect the watershed.

我们的目标是覆盖整条海岸线 以全面保护流域

4. That requires a violent, watershed moment from which a white nation will rise again.

这需要一个暴力的 转折性的时刻 白人国家才能以此再次屹立

5. They sucked all the oil out, then the war machine rolled in and took a dump, and then the refineries pissed into the watershed.

他们抽走了所有石油 然后战争机器进来 拉了个大号 然后精炼厂又把污水排进去

6. What began as a day of mourning has now quickly evolved to a watershed moment in our planet's history.

从一开始的哀悼日 到现在已经迅速演变成 我们星球历史上的一个分水岭

7. It's not the first time we've seen a campaign spontaneously combust on the primary trail due to a singe watershed incident.

总统竞选在初选途中 就发生了自杀性的分水岭事件 也不是第一次见了
