
词组 flatter

■ flatter


1) 吹捧,阿谀。

  • I don't like intellectuals who flatter those with political power, expecting to be offered a comfortable position as a reward.有些知识分子,对掌握着政治权力的人阿谀奉承,指望博得一个舒适的地位作为奖赏,我不喜欢这种人。

2) 讨好,拉拢。

  • What really flatters a man is that you think him worth flattering.(George Bernard Shaw)最能讨好一个人的,是你认为他值得讨好。
  • Some politicians try to flatter us with promises to give us a token amount of money.有些政客,向我们许诺说要给我们一点象征性的钱,以此来讨好我们。

3) 夸奖(无贬义)。

  • As I was sitting by Sir Godfrey Kneller one day, whilst he was drawing a picture, he stopped and said, "I can't do so well as I should do, unless you flatter me a little, pray flatter me, Mr. Pope! You know I love to be flattered."(Joseph Spence, Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters, of Books and Men, 1858, pp.135-136)有一天,戈德弗雷·内勒爵士在画画,我坐在他旁边,他忽然停了下来说:“除非你称赞我几句,要不然我本来应该画好也画不好了,波普先生,您就劳驾称赞我几句吧!您知道我是很喜欢人家称赞的。”

4) 值得注意的是:听到对方的恭维话之后,礼貌的回答是 You flatter me,相当于中文的“过奖了”。此时 flatter 没有“吹捧,阿谀”的贬义,但 flatter 总有点“言过其实”的意义,有时候也可以加上“太过”的状语来补充。

  • You flatter me beyond belief! I really appreciate it.您太过奖了!真不敢当。

5) 使高兴。

  • She was flattered by Robert's long letter.她收到罗伯特的长信,心里乐滋滋的。
  • I am flattered that they should be so supportive.他们如此支持,令我深感欣慰。

6) 悦目,悦耳。

  • The beauty of the stone flattered the young man's eyes.宝石如此美妙,使得那个青年人饱尝眼福。

7) 衬托得更好看。

  • Orange and khaki flatter those with golden skin tones.橘黄色和土黄色衬托金色皮肤很好看。
  • Her clothes flatter the silhouette.她的那套衣服,把身段衬托得更好看。
  • Sunglasses will flatter the face.墨镜会把脸衬托得好看。
  • The photograph flatters its subject.相片把人照好看了。
  • The muted fuchsia shade flattered her pale skin.一点黯哑的紫红色,把她那苍白的皮肤衬托出来了。

8) 虚假的美化。

  • The portraitist flatters his sitter to the detriment of his art.肖像画家把自己的画画对象美化,这就损害了艺术。

9) 被动式感到高兴(无贬义)。

  • I was very flattered to be given the commission.我很荣幸,受委托办理此事。
  • At least I am flattered that you don't find me boring.你没有觉得我这个人讨人厌,起码对这一点我感到欣慰。

10) 加 oneself,自己高兴(无贬义)。

  • I flatter myself I'm the best dressed man here.我真高兴,我是这里着装最好的男子。
  • I flatter myself that this campaign will put an end to the war.我很高兴,这场运动将会使战争结束。
  • ... and I flatter myself with being a tolerable proficient in Geography, I know not how it happened...(Jane Austen, Love and Friendship)…我虽然自问对地理也算够熟悉的了,但是这件事是怎样发生的,我也不知道…
  • This has been my motive, my fair cousin, and I flatter myself it will not sink me in your esteem. (Jane Austen, Pride and Justice, Chapter 19)我的动机就是这样,好表妹,你不至于因此就看不起我,就够我高兴的了。
  • Your restoration to peace will, I doubt not, speedily follow this act of filial obedience, and I flatter myself with the hope of surviving my share in this disappointment. (Jane Austen, Lady Susan, Chapter XXXVII)你既然这样孝顺,遵从了父母的意旨,我深信你的内心一定会恢复安宁,我也满怀希望,但愿我原先的一份沮丧也成为过去。

