
单词 upstairs
释义 upstairs adv 1 up the stairs; to or on an upper floor 向楼上; 往楼上; 在楼上     walk, leap, sleep upstairs 走上楼、 蹦跳著上楼、 在楼上睡觉     I was upstairs when it happened. 这件事发生时我正在楼上. Cf 参看 downstairs. 2 (idm 习语) kick sb upstairs => kick1. upstairs, adj situated on, living on or belonging toan upper floor 位於楼上的; 住在楼上的; 属於楼上的     an,upstairs `room, `window 楼上的房间、 窗户     the familiesupstairs/the ,upstairs `families 楼上的住户. upstairs, n [sing] (infml 口) upper floor of a house, etc 房屋等的上层; 楼上     A bungalow does not have an upstairs. 平房没有上层.

