
单词 custom
释义 custom n 1 (a) [C, U] usual, generally accepted and long-established way of behaving or doing things 习俗; 风俗     It is difficult to get used to another country´s customs. 要适应另一国家的风俗习惯是很困难的.     the customs of the Eskimos 爱斯基摩人的风俗     a slave to custom, ie sb who does what most people do and have always done 习俗的奴隶     procedures laid down by ancient custom 依照古老的习俗制定的程序. (b) [C] thing that sb habitually does; practice 个人的习惯     It is my custom to rise early. 早起是我的习惯. 2 [U] regular purchases from a tradesman, shop, etc 经常向某商人、 商店等购物     We would like to have your custom, ie would like you to buy our goods. 我们欢迎您经常惠顾.     We´ve lost a lot of custom since our prices went up, ie Fewer goods have been bought from us. 自从提价以後, 我们失去了许多顾客的生意.     I shall withdraw my custom (ie stop buying goods) from that shop. 我不再去那家商店买东西了. custom adj [attrib 作定语] made as the buyer specifies, rather than as a standard model 定做的     a custom car 定制的汽车.

