
单词 cloth
释义 cloth n (pl ~s) 1 [U] material made by weaving cotton, wool, silk, etc (棉、 毛、 丝等织的)料子, 布料, 毛料, 丝绸     enough cloth to make a suit 够做一身衣服的料子     good quality woollen cloth 优质毛料     [attrib 作定语] a cloth binding 布面装订. 2 [C] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) piece of cloth used for a special purpose 作某种用途的布块: a `dishcloth     a `floorcloth * a `table-cloth. 3 the cloth [sing] clothes worn by the clergy, seen as a symbol of their profession 教士服, 牧师服(被视为神职的标志)     the respect due to his cloth 因他任神职而受到的尊敬     a man of the cloth, ie a clergyman 一位神职人员(传教士). 4 (idm 习语) cut one´s coat according to one´s cloth => coat.

