
单词 flog
释义 flog v (-gg-) 1 [Tn] beat (sb) severely, esp with a rod or whip, as a punishment 重重责打(某人)(尤指用棍棒或鞭子)     The boy was cruelly flogged for stealing. 那男孩偷东西挨了一顿毒打. 2 [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) (Brit infml 口) sell sth (to sb) 卖(给某人)某物     We should be able to flog the car (to someone) for a good price. 我们应该能把这辆汽车高价卖出. =>Usage at sell 用法见sell. 3 (idm 习语) ,flog a dead `horse waste one´s efforts on an activity or a belief that is already widely rejected or has long been accepted 鞭打死马(对已摒弃或认可的活动或信念徒费精力). ,flog sth to `death (infml 口) be so persistent or repetitive about sth that people lose interest in it 坚持或重复某事物而使人失去与趣     I hope he won´t tell that joke again; he´s flogged it to death already. 但愿他别再讲那个笑话了, 已经老掉牙了.

