
单词 prawns
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abound〕China abounds in prawns.中国盛产对虾。英汉大词典〔course〕I had prawns, followed by steak for my main course.我先吃虾,接下来主菜吃牛排。麦克米伦高阶〔dodgy〕Simon was rushed to hospital after eating what must have been dodgy prawns.西蒙吃了肯定已变质的对虾后被紧急送进医院。朗文当代〔have〕I had prawns and rice for lunch.我午饭吃的是大虾和米饭。剑桥高阶〔prawn〕Prawns are grey when they're raw, and turn pink when they're cooked.对虾生的时候是灰色的,做熟了就变成粉红色。剑桥高阶〔prawn〕To fish for prawns.捉对虾美国传统〔shell〕They shelled the prawns that morning.他们那天上午剥虾壳。外研社新世纪〔sick〕I was violently sick (=suddenly and severely sick) the last time I ate prawns.我上次吃了大虾后吐得很厉害。朗文当代〔spoon out〕She spooned out some creamed prawns soup to me.她给我舀了些奶油大虾汤。21世纪英汉〔squid〕Add the prawns and squid and cook for 2 minutes.放入对虾和鱿鱼,烹炒 2 分钟。柯林斯高阶〔squid〕Add the prawns and squid and cook for 2 minutes.放进大虾和鱿鱼, 烧两分钟。外研社新世纪〔stock-in-trade〕Delicious potted shrimps and prawns were once the stock-in-trade of the harbourside cafe.美味的火锅虾曾经是海港周围咖啡馆的招牌菜。柯林斯高阶Prawns have a thin flat body and a long tail and are similar to shrimps but bigger.对虾有细而扁平的身子和长长的尾巴,与小虾相似但比小虾大。剑桥国际He ordered a seafood salad and ate all the prawns but left the squid.他点了个海鲜色拉,把里面的明虾都吃了却留下了乌贼。剑桥国际Lobsters, crabs, prawns, mussels and oysters are all shellfish that are commonly eaten as food.龙虾、螃蟹、对虾、淡菜和牡蛎都是常用来食用的贝壳类动物。剑桥国际

