
单词 bunk
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GO〕We were bunking off one day, and playing down by the canal. 有一天我们逃学,在运河边玩耍。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕In the immortal words of Henry Ford, ‘History is bunk.’ 亨利·福特说过一句不朽的名言:“历史是一堆废话。”朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕Again and again I was thrown upwards from my bunk as the ship battled through the storm. 船在暴风雨中行驶,我一次又一次地从床铺上被抛起来。朗文写作活用〔at a premium〕We bought bunk beds because space in the apartment is at a premium.由于公寓空间狭小,我们买了双层床。韦氏高阶〔bed〕I slept in the bottom bunk of a set of bunk beds.我睡在一张双层床的下铺。牛津搭配〔berth〕A built-in bed or bunk, as on a ship or a train.舱位,卧铺位:卧铺或上下铺位,如船或火车上的美国传统〔boost into〕Mother boosted the youngster into the top of his bunk bed.母亲把小孩抬起推进他的双层床上铺。21世纪英汉〔bunk down〕The boys had to bunk down in the sitting-room.男孩子们只好睡在客厅。外研社新世纪〔bunk down〕We might as well bunk down in this hotel.我们还是在这家旅馆找床铺睡觉为好。21世纪英汉〔bunk down〕We usually bunk down the four little ones on a makeshift bed until we finish work for the night.晚上的活做完之前, 我们通常让四个小孩子睡在临时搭的床上。外研社新世纪〔bunk down〕We were able to bunk down in the spare room for the night.我们得以在客房里睡了一晚。剑桥高阶〔bunk off (sth)〕A lot of people bunk off early on Friday.许多人周五提前就开溜了。剑桥高阶〔bunk off (sth)〕It was a sunny day so they decided to bunk off school.那天天气晴好,于是他们决定逃学。剑桥高阶〔bunk off〕By 1968 her peers were bunking off their technical and sewing classes and throwing themselves into student riots.到1968年, 她的同学都不去上技术和缝纫课, 转而投身于学生暴动。外研社新世纪〔bunk off〕He bunked off early last Friday.他上周五早退了。韦氏高阶〔bunk off〕I'll bunk off at three o'clock this afternoon.我今天下午三点就撤。外研社新世纪〔bunk off〕Jack bunked off and left his wife with two children.杰克已离家出走,丢下妻子和两个孩子。21世纪英汉〔bunk off〕Millions of football fans are expected to bunk off work to watch the big match.预计数百万足球迷会丢下工作去看这场大赛。外研社新世纪〔bunk off〕We thought nothing of bunking off school and travelling 100 miles to find this or that record.我们觉得旷课逃学、跑上100英里去找各种唱片根本就不算什么。柯林斯高阶〔bunk off〕We thought nothing of bunking off school and travelling 100 miles to find this or that record.我们觉得逃课跑到100英里外去找一张什么唱片不足为奇。外研社新世纪〔bunk off〕We used to bunk off school as kids.小时候我们经常逃学。韦氏高阶〔bunk up〕Two of the soldiers bunked up together in the Navy.有两名战士在海军里合铺。21世纪英汉〔bunk up〕We bunked her up over the fence.我们帮她爬过了栅栏。21世纪英汉〔bunk〕A bunk bed.上下铺,有梯子的双层床美国传统〔bunk〕Don't give me that bunk, I've heard it all before.别跟我讲那种废话,我以前全听见过了。英汉大词典〔bunk〕He bunked a history class.他没上历史课。21世纪英汉〔bunk〕He bunked down with his friends.他跟他的朋友们共寝。文馨英汉〔bunk〕He climbed up on the top bunk and tried to fall asleep.他爬到上铺想睡觉。外研社新世纪〔bunk〕He fell out of his bunk and hit the floor with a bang.他从铺位落下,砰的一声掉在地上。英汉大词典〔bunk〕He hasn't been in touch since he did a bunk.他不辞而别之后就再也没联系过。外研社新世纪〔bunk〕He left his bunk and went up on deck again.他离开自己的铺位再次走到甲板上。柯林斯高阶〔bunk〕He sleeps in the top/bottom bunk.他睡在上/下铺。韦氏高阶〔bunk〕He took to his bunk.他躲到了床上。外研社新世纪〔bunk〕He was lying on the lower bunk.他躺在下层床上。文馨英汉〔bunk〕It's all bunk what they're saying to you.他们对你说的全是骗人的鬼话。英汉大词典〔bunk〕Jack and Harry bunked together at camp.杰克和哈里在军营里合铺。21世纪英汉〔bunk〕John and I used to bunk off school.约翰和我过去经常逃学。朗文当代〔bunk〕Marcus was lying in the top bunk feeling seasick.马库斯躺在上铺,感到晕船。麦克米伦高阶〔bunk〕Most economists think his theories are sheer bunk.大多数经济学家认为他的理论纯粹是胡说。剑桥高阶〔bunk〕She bunked me in cot.她向我提供帆布床。21世纪英汉〔bunk〕She was able to bunk with friends.她得以和朋友们过了一夜。韦氏高阶〔bunk〕The pranksters did a bunk before the police arrived.那些恶作剧者在警察到来之前逃之夭夭。英汉大词典〔bunk〕The twins sleep in bunk beds.这对双胞胎睡双层床。剑桥高阶〔bunk〕They bunked together throughout the war.整个战争时期,他们在一块合住。英汉大词典〔bunk〕They did a bunk to avoid paying the rent.为了不付房租他们溜之大吉。韦氏高阶〔bunk〕They'd done a bunk without paying the rent.他们没付租金就溜了。剑桥高阶〔bunk〕To sleep in a bunk or bed.睡在床上或铺位上美国传统〔bunk〕We bunked in the basement.我们将就着睡在地下室里。英汉大词典〔bunk〕We'll bunk here for the night.我们将在这儿过夜。韦氏高阶〔bunk〕Who gets the top bunk in their bedroom?卧室里谁睡上铺?外研社新世纪〔bunk〕You can bunk down on the sofa for tonight.今天晚上你可以在沙发上睡。朗文当代〔bunk〕You could bunk with me for a day or two.你可以在我家住一两天。外研社新世纪〔bunk〕You'll have to bunk with Meg. I'm not sharing my room.你得和梅格共用一个房间。我的卧室自己用。外研社新世纪〔climb down〕I climbed down from my bunk bed.我从双层床上爬下来。外研社新世纪〔deck〕He left his bunk and went up on deck again about 12.30 am.大约上午12点半的时候, 他离开自己的铺位再次登上甲板。外研社新世纪〔head-to-head〕The bunks were set up head-to-head.这些双人床头靠头地放着美国传统〔hike〕He hiked himself onto the top bunk.他一撑身子上了顶铺。英汉大词典〔hoist〕Grabbing the side of the bunk, he hoisted himself to a sitting position.他抓住铺位的床沿,坐起身来。柯林斯高阶〔hoist〕Grabbing the side of the bunk, he hoisted himself to a sitting position.他抓着床铺的边缘, 坐起身来。外研社新世纪〔list〕The ship listed again, and she was thrown back across the bunk.船再度侧倾, 她被抛回来飞过了铺位。外研社新世纪〔list〕The ship listed again, and she was thrown back across the bunk.船再次倾侧了,她又被甩回床铺的另一头。柯林斯高阶〔misjudge〕As I swung down from out of my bunk, I got dizzy and misjudged the distance.从铺位一跃而下的时候,我感到一阵眩晕,没掌握好高度。柯林斯高阶〔misjudge〕As I swung down from out of my bunk, I got dizzy and misjudged the distance.我纵身跳下铺位时感到头晕目眩, 因此没看准距离。外研社新世纪〔mound〕He lay in his bunk under a mound of blankets.他躺在铺位上, 身上盖着好几层毯子。外研社新世纪〔prickly〕The bunk mattress was hard, the blankets prickly and slightly damp.这个铺位的床垫很硬,毯子也很扎人,而且还有点潮。柯林斯高阶〔steamer trunk〕A small trunk originally designed to fit under the bunk of a steamship cabin.轮船衣箱:最初设计适合放在船舱床位下的小箱子美国传统〔stretch〕Porter stretched out on his bunk, hands clasped behind his head.波特躺在床铺上,双手交叉枕在脑后。麦克米伦高阶〔throw〕We were literally thrown out of our bunks.我们差点儿被抛出床铺。牛津搭配A lot of people bunk off (= leave) early on Friday.许多人在周五提早溜号。剑桥国际It was a sunny day so they decided to bunk off (= not go to) school.天气晴朗,于是他们决定逃学。剑桥国际Most economists think his theories are sheer bunk.大多数经济学家认为他的理论纯属胡说。剑桥国际The twins sleep in a bunk bed.这对孪生兄弟睡一张双层单人床。剑桥国际They'd done a bunk without paying the rent.他们没付租金就逃走了。剑桥国际We bunked in an old barn. 我们将就著睡在旧谷仓里。译典通We were able to bunk (down) in a spare room for the night.我们能在空余的房间里睡一晚。剑桥国际

