
单词 deformation
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Paget's disease〕A disease, occurring chiefly in old age, in which the bones become enlarged and weakened, often resulting in fracture or deformation.佩吉特式病:一种疾病,主要发作于老年,骨头扩大变弱,经常导致骨折或瘫痪美国传统〔ausform〕To subject (especially steel) to deformation, quenching, and tempering to improve its wear properties.奥氏形变法炼钢:使(尤指钢)在经受形变后淬火和回火以增加抗磨损性美国传统〔deformation〕A disease caused deformation of his body.疾病使他的身体变得畸形。英汉大词典〔deformation〕Changing stresses bring about more cracking and rock deformation.不断变化的应力导致更多的断裂和岩石变形。外研社新世纪〔deformation〕Changing stresses bring about more cracking and rock deformation.不断变化的应力导致更多的断裂和岩石变形。柯林斯高阶〔deformation〕The water loss causes plastic deformation.失水会引起塑性变形。外研社新世纪〔diastrophism〕The process of deformation by which the major features of the earth's crust, including continents, mountains, ocean beds, folds, and faults, are formed.地壳变动:地壳上大陆、山脉、海床、褶皱和断层等主要地貌形成的变形过程美国传统〔elasticity〕The property of returning to an initial form or state following deformation.弹性:形变后恢复到原来形状或状态的性质美国传统〔elastic〕Physics Returning to or capable of returning to an initial form or state after deformation.【物理学】 弹回的:在形变以后恢复或能够恢复原来形状或状态的美国传统〔extensometer〕An instrument used to measure minute deformations in a test specimen of a material.伸长计:用于物质抽样试验中测量微小的变形的一种仪器美国传统〔flowage〕The gradual plastic deformation of a solid body, as by heat.渐变:如用加热的方法造成一个固体物质缓慢的、人工的形状损坏美国传统〔flow〕To undergo plastic deformation without cracking or breaking. Used of rocks, metals, or minerals.变形:不经压碎或打破而产生的人为损坏或变形。用于岩石、金属或矿物质美国传统〔geotectonic〕Of or relating to the shape, structure, and arrangement of the rock masses resulting from structural deformation of the earth's crust.大地构造的:属于或关于由地壳结构变形造成的岩体的形状、构造和排列的美国传统〔magnetostriction〕Deformation of a ferromagnetic material subjected to a magnetic field.磁致伸缩:由磁场决定的磁铁材料的变形美国传统〔memory〕The capacity of a material, such as plastic or metal, to return to a previous shape after deformation.弹性,恢复能力:物质变形后恢复原来形状的能力,如塑料或金属美国传统〔overstress〕To subject to mechanical force or pressure to the point of deformation.使受压力过度:因承受机械力或压强而达到了变形的程度美国传统〔plastic〕Physics Capable of undergoing continuous deformation without rupture or relaxation.【物理学】 塑性的:能够历经持续变形而不断裂或松弛的美国传统〔restore〕An elastic body automatically restores itself after deformation.弹性体变形后能自动复原。英汉大词典〔revolution〕Geology A time of major crustal deformation, when folds and faults are formed.【地质学】 变革:褶皱和断层形成时的重要的地壳运动期美国传统〔rheology〕The study of the deformation and flow of matter.流变学:物质变形及流动的研究美国传统〔shearing strain〕A condition in or deformation of an elastic body caused by forces that tend to produce an opposite but parallel sliding motion of the body's planes.剪应变:弹性物体的一种状态或变形,由试图产生与物体表面相反但平行的滑动力所引起美国传统〔strain〕Physics A deformation produced by stress.【物理学】 由压力引起的变形美国传统〔tectonic〕Geology Relating to, causing, or resulting from structural deformation of the earth's crust.【地质学】 地壳构造的:关于、引起或造成地壳的结构变形的美国传统〔work hardening〕The increase in strength that accompanies plastic deformation of a metal.加工硬化:伴随金属塑性变形而增加的强度美国传统Deformation of her bones was caused by a very poor diet.她的骨头变形是营养不良的饮食造成的。剑桥国际Fifty years of dictatorship has led to a sad deformation of political culture. 50 年的独裁统治导致了可悲的政治文化的畸形。剑桥国际

