
单词 establishments
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔as〕The hotel is quite comfortable as such establishments go. The sun is hot, as everyone knows.就设备而言,这个旅馆相当舒适。太阳非常热,这一点众所周知美国传统〔barfly〕One who frequents drinking establishments.酒吧间老顾客美国传统〔bemoan〕Universities and other research establishments bemoan their lack of funds.高校及其他研究机构抱怨经费不足。外研社新世纪〔bemoan〕Universities and other research establishments bemoan their lack of funds.高校及其他研究机构抱怨经费不足。柯林斯高阶〔chain〕A number of establishments, such as stores, theaters, or hotels, under common ownership or management.联号:拥有共同产权或统一管理的一系列企业或机构,如商店、剧院或旅馆等美国传统〔edge〕The two establishments got mixed at the edges.这两家企业有些业务稍有交错。英汉大词典〔establishment〕There are many eating establishments nearby.附近有很多用餐的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔establishment〕These two hotels are both excellent establishments.这两家旅馆都办得很好。英汉大词典〔haute couture〕The leading establishments or designers for the creation of exclusive fashions for women.高级女子时装业:为女性制造高级时装的居领导地位的商业机构或设计师美国传统〔knocker〕All the above are fairly common to most knockers at the doors of religious establishments.以上这些对大部分前往宗教机构的上门推销员来说稀松平常。外研社新世纪〔limiting〕These establishments are off limits to ordinary citizens.这些建筑禁止普通公民入内。柯林斯高阶〔lounge lizard〕A generally idle man who haunts establishments or gatherings frequented by the rich or fashionable; a social parasite.闲荡人:一个通常被认为是懒散的人,经常光顾富人或上流社会常去的设施或集会美国传统〔navy〕Often Navy A nation's entire military organization for sea warfare and defense, including vessels, personnel, and shore establishments. 常作 Navy 海军:一个国家对海上军事和防御的全部军事组织,包括船只,人员和海军机构美国传统〔nucleate〕Business establishments are compactly nucleated.商号密集。英汉大词典〔penal〕There are over 66,000 people in our penal establishments at the moment.目前我们的服刑机构收容人员超过66,000名。外研社新世纪〔place〕The restaurant has taken its place among the finest eating establishments in the city.这家餐馆已成为城里最好的餐饮企业之一。麦克米伦高阶〔strip〕An area, as along a busy street or highway, that is lined with a great number and variety of commercial establishments.沿闹街或高速公路的地区,两侧有大量各种商业设施美国传统She seems to have spent all her life studying in educational establishments .她似乎一生都在教育机构学习。剑桥国际

