
单词 modifications
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The editor suggested a few modifications to the text. 编辑建议对原文作几处修改。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The new modifications made it the finest of aircraft. 一番新近的改进使它成了一架最精良的飞机。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕We need to make some modifications to our teaching program. 我们得对教学计划作些修改。朗文写作活用〔Conservative Judaism〕The branch of Judaism that allows for modifications in Jewish law when authorized by the Conservative rabbinate.保守犹太教:犹太教的一支,在经保守犹太教法学博士授权后可以对犹太教法律进行修改美国传统〔Prussian blue〕An insoluble dark blue pigment and dye, ferric ferrocyanide or one of its modifications.普鲁士蓝:一种不溶解的深蓝涂料和染料,三价铁氰亚铁酸盐或它的一种变体美国传统〔approval〕The proposed modifications met with widespread approval.修改提议得到了广泛的赞同。柯林斯高阶〔approval〕The proposed modifications met with widespread approval.提出的修改意见得到了广泛的赞同。外研社新世纪〔lock〕All entries are locked so no unauthorized modifications can be made.所有的资料项都加了密,这样就不会有人未经授权便擅作修改了。麦克米伦高阶〔model〕They're recalling their new model for modifications to the engine.他们正召回新款汽车以对其发动机加以改进。牛津搭配〔modification〕A couple of modifications and the speech will be perfect.只要稍加修改这篇演讲就完美无缺了。剑桥高阶〔modification〕A diagnosis of diabetes necessitates some dietary modifications.患有糖尿病就需要在饮食方面进行一些调整。牛津搭配〔modification〕A few modifications of the design might be necessary.可能有必要对这个设计进行一些修改。韦氏高阶〔modification〕It might be necessary to make a few slight modifications to the design.也许有必要对这个设计稍作几处修改。牛津高阶〔modification〕Relatively minor modifications were required.只需稍作改动。柯林斯高阶〔modification〕Relatively minor modifications were required.需要进行一些相对微小的调整。外研社新世纪〔modification〕The board has requested modifications of the rules.董事会已经要求修改这些规则。麦克米伦高阶〔modification〕The engine was pulled apart for modifications and then reassembled.发动机拆开改型后重新装配起来。英汉大词典〔modification〕The original plan had undergone fairly extensive modifications.已经对原计划作了相当大的修改。牛津搭配〔modification〕The weather required some major/minor modifications to our travel plans.那种天气情况要求我们对旅行方案做些大/小的调整。韦氏高阶〔modification〕They have used the same process for almost 50 years with only minor modifications .同样的工序他们用了将近 50 年,只有很小的改动。朗文当代〔modification〕They passed the law with only a few minor/slight/small modifications.他们只对那部法律做了几处小修改后就使其通过了。韦氏高阶〔modification〕We made some modifications to the original plan.我们对最初的计划做了些调整。韦氏高阶〔modification〕We need to make a few modifications to the proposals.我们需要对提案作几处修改。牛津搭配〔modification〕We've made one or two modifications to the original design.我们对原先的设计作了一两处修改。朗文当代〔output〕You run the software, you look at the output, you make modifications.运行该软件, 查看输出结果并进行修正。外研社新世纪〔output〕You run the software, you look at the output, you make modifications.运行该软件,查看输出结果并进行修正。柯林斯高阶〔peculiarity〕This technique is applicable to a wide variety of crops, but some modifications may be necessary to accommodate the peculiarities of each type.该项技术适用于多种作物,但可能需要根据每种作物的特点稍作改进。剑桥高阶〔periodic〕The modifications are in keeping with the periodic features of the home.这些改造与房屋的历史风格一致。外研社新世纪〔undergo〕The bridge has undergone a series of modifications and will be re-opened in two weeks.这座桥经过一系列的修缮将于两星期后重新开放。麦克米伦高阶A couple of modifications and the speech will be perfect.只需稍作修改这篇演讲就完美无缺了。剑桥国际It might be necessary to make a few slight modifications to the design.可能需要对这款设计进行一些微小的改进。牛津商务The plan requires some modifications. 这个计划需作些修改。译典通The trials of the new machine have gone well, with only minor modifications necessary for the production version.对新机器的试验进行得很好,只需一些必要的小更改。剑桥国际This technique is applicable to a wide variety of crops, but some modifications may be necessary to accommodate the peculiarities of each type.该项技术对许多种作物都有用,但有必要根据每种作物各自的特点作一些必要的变化。剑桥国际

