
单词 amplifier
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TAKE〕Specially treated copper wires conduct the signal from the amplifier to the speakers. 经过特别处理的铜线将信号从扩音器传送到扬声器。朗文写作活用〔adjustment〕A technician made an adjustment to the amplifier.一位技师对扩音器进行了调整。外研社新世纪〔amplidyne〕A rotating magnetic amplifier with specialized windings that allow small changes in power input to produce large changes in power output.电机放大机:带有专用线圈的旋转磁放大器,能使电流输入时的小变化在电流输出时产生大变化美国传统〔amplifier〕He plugged his electric guitar into an amplifier.他将电吉他连到扩音器上。韦氏高阶〔amp〕An amplifier, especially one used to amplify music.音乐放大器:尤指用于放大音乐的放大器美国传统〔booster〕Electronics A radio-frequency amplifier.【电子学】 辅助放大器:一种无线电频率放大器美国传统〔cable〕I plugged the cable into the amplifier.我将电缆与扬声器接通。牛津搭配〔degeneration〕Electronics Loss of or gain in power in an amplifier caused by unintentional negative feedback.【电子学】 负反馈:由无意的负反馈引起的放大器中功率的丧失或获得美国传统〔drift〕A gradual change in the output of a circuit or amplifier.逐渐改变:电路或放大器输出功率的逐渐改变美国传统〔dynamic headroom〕The capacity of an amplifier to reproduce unusually strong signals without distortion.动态净空:一种放大器的容量,可以不失真的复制异常强大的信号美国传统〔electric guitar〕A guitar that transmits tones to an amplifier by means of an electronic pickup placed under the strings.电吉他琴:通过安装在弦下的电子拾音装置把音传递到扬声器上去的吉他琴美国传统〔feedhorn〕A satellite dish component that captures the signal reflected from the dish surface and channels it into an amplifier.碟形卫星天线:碟形卫星信号接收器设备,可以捕捉自碟形表面所反射出来的讯号并传送至放大器美国传统〔fountain〕The amplifier exploded in a fountain of sparks.放大器爆炸,喷射出火星。牛津高阶〔keyboard〕Music Any one of various instruments played by means of a set of pianolike keys, often connected to a synthesizer or an amplifier.【音乐】 键盘乐器:具有象钢琴键一样装置的乐器,通常与电子合成音响或扬声器相连接美国传统〔microphone〕An instrument that converts sound waves into an electric current, usually fed into an amplifier, a recorder, or a broadcast transmitter.扩音器,麦克风,话筒:将声波转变成电流的工具,通常接至扩音器,录音机或广播发射机上美国传统〔plug into〕They plugged their guitars into amplifiers.他们把吉他连到了功放机上。外研社新世纪〔plug in〕They plugged their guitars into amplifiers.他们把吉他与扩音器相接。柯林斯高阶〔power〕The power rating of my amplifier is 40 watts per channel.我的扬声器的功率(级别)是每声道40瓦。剑桥高阶〔scalar〕A device that yields an output equal to the input multiplied by a constant, as in a linear amplifier.放大器:一种其产生的输出值是输入值与某常数乘积的装置,如线性放大器美国传统〔servomechanism〕A feedback system that consists of a sensing element, an amplifier, and a servomotor, used in the automatic control of a mechanical device.伺服务系统:用于自控机械设计中,由感受器、放大器和伺服电动机械组成的反馈系统美国传统〔tape deck〕A tape recorder and player having no built-in amplifiers or speakers, used as a component in an audio system.盒式录放机:一种内部没有设置放大装置或扬声器的磁带录音机和放音机,被用作一套音响系统的部件美国传统〔tone control〕A circuit or device in an amplifier designed to increase or decrease the amplification in a specific frequency range without affecting other frequencies.音调调切(器):扬声器中用来升高或降低某个特定波段而不影响其它波段扬声效果的线路或装置美国传统〔transistor〕A small electronic device containing a semiconductor and having at least three electrical contacts, used in a circuit as an amplifier, a detector, or a switch.晶体管:一种小型电子装置,包含一个半导体和至少三个电接头并构成一个电路,用作扩音器、检波器或开关美国传统〔word〕No one could hear a word because someone had cut the amplifier cable.没人听得到,因为有人把扩音器的电线切断了。朗文当代A stack system usually includes a radio, amplifier, cassette deck and CD player.一套组合音响通常包括收音机,功放,卡式录音机和激光唱机。剑桥国际I think the plug from the cassette player to the amplifier has come loose.我想盒式放音机连扩音器的接头松了。剑桥国际My daughter's bedroom is full of guitars, amplifiers, keyboards and miscellaneous gadgetry.我女儿的卧室充满了吉他、扩音器、键盘和各种各样的小机器。剑桥国际

