
单词 ideology
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Marxist〕Marxist ideology.马克思主义意识形态柯林斯高阶〔Nazism〕The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy.纳粹主义:纳粹党的意识和实施,尤其是种族国家主义,国家扩张,政府控制经济的政策美国传统〔Nazi〕Nazi ideology 纳粹主义意识形态韦氏高阶〔accord〕Such an approach accords with the principles of socialist ideology.这种方法与社会主义意识形态的原则相符。柯林斯高阶〔bankrupt〕This is a bankrupt ideology.这是个已毫无优点可言的思想体系。麦克米伦高阶〔challenge〕There seems to be no significant challenge to the party's free-market ideology.对于该党的自由市场的意识形态似乎没有什么重大的质疑。麦克米伦高阶〔close off〕The old guard of leaders are closed off behind walls built of yesterday's ideology.保守领导人被隔绝在用过时的意识形态建造的高墙后面。外研社新世纪〔close off〕The old guard of leaders are closed off behind walls built of yesterday's ideology.领导人的老警卫们生活在用过去的意识形态筑成的高墙内,与世隔绝。柯林斯高阶〔compatible〕Her deeds were not compatible with her ideology.她的行为与思维方式不一致。外研社新世纪〔currently〕A strong current of nationalism runs through ideology and politics in the Arab world.一股强烈的民族主义思潮涌入阿拉伯世界的思想体系和政治体系。柯林斯高阶〔current〕A strong current of nationalism runs through ideology and politics in the Arab world.一股强烈的民族主义思潮涌入阿拉伯世界的思想体系和政治体系。外研社新世纪〔degree〕Generally, the programs of the president and the proposals of the governor appear to differ in degree and emphasis rather than ideology.总的来说,总统的方案和州长的提议似乎只是在程度和强调的重点上有所不同,根本的思想观念几乎无异。柯林斯高阶〔degree〕The programmes differ in degree and emphasis rather than ideology.这些方案的区别在于程度和重点, 而非意识形态方面。外研社新世纪〔fascist〕They indoctrinated her with radical ideology and a hatred of the police ('fascist pigs').他们向她灌输激进思想和对警察(“专制猪猡”)的仇恨。外研社新世纪〔hamper〕An obsolete ideology can hamper an economy.过时的意识形态会束缚经济。英汉大词典〔ideological〕Of or relating to ideology.意识形态的或与意识形态有关的美国传统〔ideologue〕An advocate of a particular ideology, especially an official exponent of that ideology.理论家,倡导者:某一理论的提倡者,尤指对此意识形态的正式阐释美国传统〔ideology〕Gender ideology still has an important role in determining how couples allocate household tasks.性别意识形态在夫妻家务分配中仍然扮演着重要角色。牛津搭配〔ideology〕He says that the election is not about ideology.他说本次选举与意识形态无关。韦氏高阶〔ideology〕Marxist ideology 马克思主义意识形态英汉大词典〔ideology〕Marxist/capitalist ideology 马克思主义╱资本主义思想体系牛津高阶〔ideology〕Marxist/socialist/revolutionary ideology 马克思主义/社会主义/革命的思想体系麦克米伦高阶〔ideology〕The party had a Marxist ideology.该党以马克思主义思想为指导。牛津搭配〔ideology〕The party's policies were based on prejudice rather than on any coherent ideology.该党政策的基础是偏见,而不是什么连贯的思想。牛津搭配〔ideology〕These businesses have a core ideology of which profit is but one ideal.这些公司的核心理念是:利润是唯一的理想。牛津搭配〔ideology〕They distanced themselves from the upper class and adopted a communist ideology.他们与上流阶层疏远并接受了共产主义思想。牛津搭配〔ideology〕They share a common political ideology.他们拥有共同的政治理念。牛津搭配〔ideology〕They share a hateful ideology that rejects tolerance.他们都抱有拒绝宽容的可恶的思想。牛津搭配〔ideology〕They want to spread their ideology of hope.他们想要传播他们的希望理念。牛津搭配〔ideology〕They're rooted in a shared ideology.他们植根于共有的意识形态。牛津搭配〔ideology〕This ideology was challenged in the early twentieth century.这种理念在 20 世纪早期受到挑战。牛津搭配〔indoctrinate〕Some parents were critical of attempts to indoctrinate children in green ideology.有些父母对向孩子们灌输绿色生态意识的意图提出了批评。剑桥高阶〔intertwine〕History and ideology intertwined.历史与意识形态盘根错节。英汉大词典〔leftism〕The ideology of the political left.左派,左翼:政治左派的意识形态、观点美国传统〔myth〕A fiction or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology.虚构;部分事实:虚构或半真实的人物,尤指形成部分意识形态的美国传统〔not〕One does not (或 doesn't) have to share in your ideology to respect your civilization.人们无须非要和你们有同样的意识形态才能尊重你们的文明。英汉大词典〔overemphasis〕He attributed the party's lack of success to an overemphasis on ideology and ideas.他将该党的失败归因于过分强调思想意识和理念。外研社新世纪〔overemphasis〕He attributed the party's lack of success to an overemphasis on ideology and ideas.他将该党的失败归因于过分强调意识形态和理念。柯林斯高阶〔pole〕These two men might be thought to represent the opposite poles of economic ideology.这两个人可能被认为是两种截然相反的经济思想体系的代表者。剑桥高阶〔reductionist〕This encourages reductionist explanations of fascist ideology.这助长了对法西斯意识形态的简单化解释。柯林斯高阶〔rightism〕The ideology of the political right.右派观点:政治右倾的观念形态美国传统〔spice〕To add spice to the debate, they disagreed about method and ideology.他们在方法和观念上都持不同意见,这使辩论精彩了很多。柯林斯高阶〔uniformity〕The strength of the ideology is seen in the remarkable uniformity of attitudes and beliefs.从态度和信仰上的高度一致可以看出意识形态的力量。外研社新世纪〔weapon〕Literature was seen as a weapon in the war of ideology.文学被视为意识形态战争中的武器。外研社新世纪Key decisions are in line with the core ideology of the organization.关键决策与这个机构的核心意识形态一致。牛津商务Professor Hill reveals the principles which underlay the political ideology and actions of the party during the 1920s.希尔教授披露了20世纪20年代构成这个政党的政治思想和活动的原则基础。剑桥国际Revisionists within the Communist Party are trying to create a moderate new ideology.共产党内部的修正主义者正在试图建立一个温和的新意识形态。剑桥国际She was against all ideology.她反对一切意识形态。剑桥国际Some parents were critical of attempts to indoctrinate children in green ideology.有些父母对向孩子们教导绿色意识形态的尝试并不赞成。剑桥国际The differences between the two groups are quite profound, both in the realm of ideology and in the realm of practical policy.两派之间在意识形态和实际政策方面差别都很大。剑桥国际

