
单词 whirr
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PUSH〕She pressed the button and the machine started to whirr. 她按下按钮,机器便开始呼呼转起来。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕Already the plane's propellers were whirring into action. 飞机的螺旋桨已经呜呜地在转动了。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕At last the engine started up with a grinding whirr. 引擎刺耳地嗡嗡响着,终于启动了。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The video recorder whirred and rewound. 录像机在呼呼地倒带。朗文写作活用〔birl〕A whirring noise; a hum.呼呼的声音;哼哼声美国传统〔birr〕A whirring sound.呼呼声美国传统〔birr〕To make a whirring sound.发出呼呼声美国传统〔burr〕A buzzing or whirring sound.蜂鸣声或呼呼声美国传统〔burr〕To make a buzzing or whirring sound.制造嗡嗡或呼呼声美国传统〔churr〕The sharp whirring or trilling sound made by some insects and birds, such as the grasshopper and partridge.颤鸣声,唧唧叫声:尖锐的呼声或颤声,由一些昆虫和鸟发出,如蝗虫和鹧鸪美国传统〔churr〕To make a sharp whirring sound.发出颤鸣声:发出尖锐的呼呼声美国传统〔clank〕The machines whirred and clanked.机器时而呼呼作响,时而又叮当作响。麦克米伦高阶〔continually〕The large rotating fans whirred continually.大大的风扇没完没了地嗡嗡转着。柯林斯高阶〔flutter〕The birds were active, whirring and fluttering among the trees.这些鸟儿很活跃, 在树丛中呼呼地飞来飞去。外研社新世纪〔flutter〕The birds were active, whirring and fluttering among the trees.鸟儿们很活跃,在树林中呼呼地飞来飞去。柯林斯高阶〔touch〕Kate touched a button and the machine whirred into action.凯特按了个按钮,机器就嗡嗡地运转起来。麦克米伦高阶〔whirring〕The silence was broken by the whirring of a helicopter.直升机的嗡嗡声打破了沉寂。外研社新世纪〔whirr〕Whirr, click, whirr, click — step by step the scan probed deeper.嗡嗡,咔嗒,嗡嗡,咔嗒——扫描探查一步步地深入。柯林斯高阶〔whirr〕A helicopter whirred overhead.一架直升机在头顶上嗡嗡作响。外研社新世纪〔whirr〕He could hear the whirr of a vacuum cleaner.他能听到真空吸尘器的嗡嗡声。外研社新世纪〔whirr〕He could hear the whirr of a vacuum cleaner.他能听到真空吸尘器的嗡嗡声。柯林斯高阶〔whirr〕I could hear the washing machine whirring in the kitchen.我能听见厨房里洗衣机的嗡嗡声。剑桥高阶〔whirr〕The camera whirred and clicked.相机发出嗡嗡声和咔嚓声。外研社新世纪〔whirr〕The camera whirred and clicked.相机发出嗡嗡声和咔嚓声。柯林斯高阶〔whirr〕The clock began to whirr before striking the hour.钟在打点前先嘎啦嘎啦地响起来。牛津高阶〔whirr〕The silence was broken by the whirring of a helicopter.直升机的嗡嗡声打破了沉寂。柯林斯高阶〔whirr〕There was a whirring of machinery.有机器发出的嗡嗡声。牛津高阶〔whir〕Aflock of birds rose in front of him, their wings whirring.一群鸟从他前面飞起来,翅膀发出呼呼的响声。麦克米伦高阶〔whir〕All around the room, computers whirred and buzzed.房间里的计算机都在嗡嗡作响。麦克米伦高阶〔whir〕I could hear the engine whirring.我听见马达嗡嗡作响。韦氏高阶〔whir〕The car whirred him away.汽车呼地一声把他载走了。英汉大词典〔whir〕The ceiling fan whirred above his head.吊扇在他头顶上方呼呼地转。英汉大词典〔whir〕The fan whirred in the corner of the room.电扇在屋子的角落里嗡嗡地转动。21世纪英汉〔whir〕The fan made a whirring sound.风扇发出呼呼声。韦氏高阶〔whiz〕A whirring or hissing sound, as of an object speeding through air.飕飕声:(如物体在空中飞过时的)呼呼声或嘶嘶声美国传统〔whiz〕To make a whirring or hissing sound, as of an object speeding through air.飕飕作声:(如空气中快速飞驶的物体)发出嘶嘶或呼呼声美国传统A bird whirred past. 一只鸟呼地飞过。译典通A limousine whirred him away. 一辆轿车呼地一声把他载走。译典通As film cameras whirred, he bowed deeply and said he was resigning.在摄影机嗡嗡的响声中,他深深地鞠了躬,说他要辞职了。剑桥国际He heard a whirr of wings and the ducks shot up into the air.他听到一阵呼呼的翅膀声,这些鸭子迅速飞到了空中。剑桥国际I could hear the washing machine whirring in the kitchen.我可以听到洗衣机在厨房里嗡嗡地响。剑桥国际She heard nothing but the chirps and whirrs of insects. 除了虫的鸣叫声外,她什么也没听见。译典通

