“wood chips”例句

单词 wood chips
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PIECE〕Wood chips covered the floor in the carpenter's workshop. 木匠工作间的地板上全是木屑。朗文写作活用〔briquette〕A block of compressed coal dust, charcoal, or sawdust and wood chips, used for fuel and kindling.煤砖,炭砖:把煤灰,木炭或锯木灰和木片压缩制成的砖块状物,用作燃料和点火美国传统〔chipped〕He was burning wood chips to make charcoal.他在用碎木头烧制木炭。柯林斯高阶〔chip〕Wood chips covered the floor of the workshop.车间地板上满是木屑。朗文当代〔chip〕Use wood chips as mulch around trees.用锯末作树木的覆盖料。麦克米伦高阶〔fiberboard〕A building material composed of wood chips or plant fibers bonded together and compressed into rigid sheets.纤维板:一种由木屑和植物纤维混合并紧压成坚硬的板状物的建筑材料美国传统〔hardboard〕A construction board made by compressing fibers of wood chips usually with a binder at a high temperature.硬质纤维板:一种由木屑纤维压缩制成的通常与粘合剂在高温下使用的建筑板美国传统〔reclaim〕Wood chips are reclaimed from waste wood products.从废旧木制品中回收到了木片。外研社新世纪The ground was covered with wood chips where they'd been chopping logs.在他们劈过柴的地方,地上铺满了木片。剑桥国际To produce the paper used for printing newspapers, wood chips are mixed with water and ground to a slurry.制造印刷报纸用的纸张需把木片同水混合并磨成浆状。剑桥国际

