
单词 我们大吃一惊
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔clergy〕We were surprised when he announced he wanted to join the clergy.他宣布自己想成为一名牧师时,我们大吃一惊剑桥高阶〔give〕The news gave us a shock.这消息让我们大吃一惊英汉大词典〔heel〕His death set us back on our heels.他的去世使我们大吃一惊英汉大词典〔overwhelm〕We were overwhelmed by the result.这一结果让我们大吃一惊麦克米伦高阶〔speed〕The sheer speed of the unification process took us by surprise.统一进程的速度之快令我们大吃一惊外研社新世纪〔surprise〕We were rather taken aback by her hostile reaction.她敌视的反应使我们大吃一惊牛津高阶The news really took us aback.这条消息的确使我们大吃一惊剑桥国际We were all startled by her opening shaft.她一开始的讽刺话语使我们大吃一惊剑桥国际We were surprised when he announced he wanted to join the clergy (=become a priest).当他宣布他想成为一名牧师时,我们大吃一惊剑桥国际

