
单词 歌手
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MUSIC〕Simpson is a talented singer and piano player. 辛普森是位天赋很高的歌手及钢琴演奏家。朗文写作活用〔Turner〕American jazz and blues singer. Noted for a singing style which resembles shouting, he contributed greatly to the development of rhythm and blues.透纳,约瑟夫:美国爵士手以及蓝调歌手,以类似喊叫的唱歌方式脱颖而出,他大力推动节奏及蓝调的发展美国传统〔air〕In an interview, the singer aired his views on family life.在一次采访中,这位歌手公开表达了他对家庭生活的看法。麦克米伦高阶〔album〕The singer recorded her second album in Los Angeles.这位歌手在洛杉矶录制了她的第二张专辑。牛津搭配〔animated〕She was seen in animated conversation with the singer.有人看见她和那个歌手交谈甚欢。外研社新世纪〔animated〕The gospel singers appear animated, energetic, and happy.那些福音歌手看起来很活泼、精力充沛而且很快乐。外研社新世纪〔army〕The singer was surrounded by a veritable army of reporters.那名歌手被一大群记者团团围住。牛津搭配〔awesome〕She's an awesome singer.她是一名非常棒的歌手韦氏高阶〔baritone〕A male singer or voice with a range higher than a bass and lower than a tenor.男中音:高于低音音域且低于高音音域的男音或男歌手美国传统〔basso profundo〕A singer who has such a voice.最低音歌手:有这种嗓音的歌唱家美国传统〔beat〕The singer didn't come in on beat, so the pianist started the song over.歌手没有跟上拍子唱,所以钢琴师又从头弹奏这支歌。英汉大词典〔belt〕The singer belted out a song.歌手引吭高歌。21世纪英汉〔bent〕The singer stood with bent head.那名歌手低头站着(鞠躬致谢)。外研社新世纪〔beyond compare〕The singer's voice is beyond compare.这名歌手的嗓音无与伦比。韦氏高阶〔bit〕She's doing the prima donna bit.她现在是首席女歌手外研社新世纪〔blackface〕An actor wearing such makeup in a minstrel show.唱黑人歌曲的黑人歌手:在黑人歌唱团表演中如此化妆的演员美国传统〔bow〕The singer bowed as the audience applauded.听众鼓掌时,那名歌手就鞠躬。文馨英汉〔break in〕The band is breaking in a new backup singer.乐队正在培养新的后备歌手韦氏高阶〔castrato〕A male singer castrated before puberty so as to retain a soprano or alto voice.被阉割的男歌手:为了保持女高音或男高音那样的高音而在青春期前被阉割的男歌手美国传统〔charged〕The singer gave an emotionally charged interview.这位歌手接受采访时饱含激情。韦氏高阶〔chart〕This magnificent show charts his rise from 'small town' country singer to top international Rock idol.这场盛大的演出展示了他从一个“小镇”乡村歌手成长为国际顶级摇滚偶像的历程。外研社新世纪〔class〕As a jazz singer she's in a class of her own(= better than most others).作为爵士乐歌手,她比大多数同行都要出色。牛津高阶〔conformist〕They went from being angry punk rockers to bland conformists.他们从愤怒的朋克摇滚歌手变成了随波逐流的平庸歌手韦氏高阶〔congregate〕Enthusiastic fans congregated around the singer.狂热的歌迷聚集在歌手周围。英汉大词典〔convey〕The singer was conveyed from her hotel to the airport by limousine.女歌手乘坐豪华轿车从酒店到达机场。韦氏高阶〔cripple〕Howard wanted to be a popular singer, but stage fright crippled him.霍华德想成为流行歌手,但因怯场而心生畏惧。柯林斯高阶〔cuss〕He rails and cusses at those pop stars.他辱骂并诅咒那些流行音乐歌手柯林斯高阶〔defy〕The singer continues to defy her age by wearing the scantiest of outfits.那名女歌手依旧穿着非常暴露的服装, 完全不似她这把岁数。外研社新世纪〔descant on〕The girl singers were asked to descant on the tune.请女歌手们唱这支歌曲。21世纪英汉〔dirty〕The singer got down and dirty at the club last night and made headlines again.这个歌手昨晚在俱乐部的无耻行为使他又上了报纸的头版头条。牛津高阶〔dog〕That new singer is a dog.那名新歌手不受听众欢迎。英汉大词典〔donate〕The centre was bought with money donated by former Beatle, George Harrison.这个中心是用前披头士乐队歌手乔治・哈里森捐的钱买下的。麦克米伦高阶〔double life〕She led a double life: she was a teacher during the day and at night a singer.她过着双重生活:白天当教师,晚上当歌手麦克米伦高阶〔duly〕The singer duly appeared back on stage for an encore.这位歌手应观众要求及时返场。韦氏高阶〔ensemble〕A group of supporting musicians, singers, dancers, or actors who perform together.联合演出人员:一群在一起演出的伴奏乐师、歌手、舞蹈者和演员美国传统〔enthusiastic〕The singer got an enthusiastic reception.那位歌手受到了热情欢迎。朗文当代〔famous〕She was more famous as a writer than as a singer.她作为作家比作为歌手名声要大。牛津高阶〔fan〕The singer says her dad is her number one fan.这位歌手说她父亲是她的头号歌迷。牛津搭配〔go down〕He went down in my estimation when he started trying to be a singer as well as an actor.除了做演员,他又开始试图当歌手,这使得我对他的看法不如以前了。剑桥高阶〔gyrate〕As the lead singer gyrated his hips, the crowd screamed wildly.当主唱歌手扭摆臀部时,观众发狂似地尖叫起来。牛津高阶〔headliner〕We have introduced singers like Madeline Bell as headliners and I think the club is beginning to take off.我们已经聘请了马德琳·贝尔等歌手担任主唱,我认为俱乐部马上就会有起色了。柯林斯高阶〔honour〕Being asked to perform at La Scala is an honour for any young singer.对于任何年轻歌手来说,受邀在斯卡拉剧院演出都是一件引以为荣的事。麦克米伦高阶〔howl〕The audience howled a singer down the stage.听众吼叫着把歌手轰下了台。21世纪英汉〔hurrah〕All audience hurrahed the girl singer.所有的观众都为那名女歌手喝彩叫好。21世纪英汉〔impression〕He gave an impression of a famous singer which made us all laugh.他拿腔作势学一位著名歌手的样,逗得我们全都笑了起来。英汉大词典〔investigation〕The singer is currently under investigation for possessing illegal drugs.这名歌手因涉嫌非法持有毒品正在接受调查。牛津搭配〔jealous〕The singer became increasingly isolated and jealous of her privacy.那位歌手变得越来越与世隔绝,小心守护着自己的隐私。麦克米伦高阶〔kind〕God, isn't she some kind of a singer? 天哪,她可真是个挺不错的歌手,是吧?英汉大词典〔lawsuit〕The singer has filed a $100 million lawsuit against his record company.这位歌手对其所属的唱片公司提起诉讼,案件涉及金额1亿美元。麦克米伦高阶〔link〕Newspapers have linked his name with the singer.报章报道把他的名字与那名歌手连在一起。牛津高阶〔make〕She was made to be a singer.她是天生的歌手文馨英汉〔mob〕Eager fans mobbed the popular singer.热切的歌迷们团团围住这位流行歌手美国传统〔name〕He first made a name for himself as a singer.他最初是以当歌手而成名的。麦克米伦高阶〔passable〕The actors gave passable performances but the singers seemed unrehearsed.演员们的表演还过得去,但歌手们似乎未经过训练美国传统〔pathetic〕He can dance well, but as a singer he is pathetic! 他舞跳得好,但作为歌手就差劲啦! 英汉大词典〔performance〕The singer is renowned for his live concert performances.这位歌手以现场演唱著称。牛津搭配〔phalanx〕Bodyguards formed a solid phalanx around the singer so that photographers couldn't get close.保镖在歌手周围形成密集的人墙,摄影师们无法靠近。剑桥高阶〔pigeonhole〕Patsy was pigeonholed as a Country and Western singer, but that's too simple.帕齐被归为乡村和西部音乐歌手,但那有点太片面了。朗文当代〔pole position〕The singer is in pole position in this week's music chart.在本周的音乐榜上, 那位歌手排名领先。外研社新世纪〔project〕A singer must learn to project his voice so as to be heard in a large hall.歌手必须学会运气发声,使歌声传遍大厅。英汉大词典〔re-form〕The 40-year-old singer reformed his band.这个40岁的歌手重组了他的乐队。柯林斯高阶〔reference〕The title is apparently a reference to the singer's brother.标题很明显地提到了歌手的哥哥。麦克米伦高阶〔representative〕The singer is regarded as a representative of the youth of her generation.这位歌手被看作是她那一代年轻人的典型代表。牛津高阶〔restive〕When the singer was late, the audience grew restive.歌手迟迟不出场,听众变得不耐烦了。英汉大词典〔rockumentary〕A documentary about rock music or rock musicians.摇滚纪录片:关于摇滚乐或摇滚歌手的纪录片美国传统〔round of applause〕The singer got a big round of applause.歌手赢得了一阵热烈的掌声。剑桥高阶〔sextet〕A group composed of six vocalists or musicians.六重唱或六重奏:由六个歌手或乐师组成的小组美国传统〔sex〕She wants to be known as a singer rather than as a sex symbol.她希望以歌手身份而不是性感偶像身份而出名。牛津搭配〔singer〕She will perform with two guest singers.她将与两位嘉宾歌手一起演唱。牛津搭配〔singer〕She worked as a torch singer, singing blues ballads in a nightclub.她是唱伤感恋歌的歌手,在一家夜总会唱蓝调民谣。牛津搭配〔singer〕Singers took turns to perform songs they had written.歌手们轮流演唱自己创作的歌曲。牛津搭配〔sink〕Some pop singers sank virtually within a year.一些流行歌手不到一年就无声无息了。英汉大词典〔soprano〕A singer having such a voice.女高音歌手,童声高音歌手:其有这种声音的歌手美国传统〔speak〕The singer speaks the last verse instead of singing it.歌手没有演唱歌词的最后部分而是说了出来。韦氏高阶〔spirit〕The singer was spirited away in a limousine after the show.演出结束后,那位歌手坐上豪华轿车神秘消失了。韦氏高阶〔stable〕During the 1950s, Sun Records' stable of singers included Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis.20世纪50年代,太阳唱片公司旗下的歌手包括约翰尼•卡什和杰瑞•李•刘易斯。剑桥高阶〔studied〕I think the singer is a bit too studied.我认为这歌手有点儿过于装腔作势。英汉大词典〔throatily〕Singer Mica Paris, looking very soignée in black, sang throatily to an audience so laid back that even Mica noticed.歌手迈卡•帕里斯一袭时髦的黑衣, 用低沉的嗓音向听众演唱, 听众则非常放松, 连迈卡自己都能看得出来。外研社新世纪〔throng〕The singer was thronged by fans.歌手被歌迷所包围。21世纪英汉〔train〕Nadia trained as a singer.纳迪娅受过歌手训练。朗文当代〔treble〕The trebles sing the following passages.最高声部的歌手们唱以下几节。英汉大词典〔treble〕This part is for a boy treble.这部分是给男童声高音歌手唱的。剑桥高阶〔twist〕The newspaper report twisted what the pop singer had said.报纸上的报道歪曲了这名流行歌手说的话。21世纪英汉〔vocalist〕A singer.歌手美国传统〔well〕Who is the best singer? (adj 形容词) 谁是最好的歌手朗文当代〔wing〕The young singer was taken under the wing of a record shop owner who became his manager.这位年轻歌手得到了一家唱片店老板的资助,后来这老板就成了他的经纪人。英汉大词典〔with〕She sings with the best of them.她唱得不亚于他们中间最好的歌手英汉大词典A new group of singers are coming to the forefront. 一群新歌手正崭露头角。译典通David Bowie is the stage name of the singer David Jones.戴维·鲍伊是歌手戴维·琼斯的艺名。剑桥国际Elvis Presley was one of the greatest rock 'n’roll singers.埃尔维斯·普雷斯利是最棒的摇摆乐歌手之一。剑桥国际I feel I've messed up my chances of becoming a great singer.我感到我已把成为一个了不起的歌手的机会破坏了。剑桥国际Karl Smith, the 19-year-old singer, had whipped the crowd of teenage girls into a frenzy merely by removing his shirt.卡尔·史密斯,这位19岁的歌手,仅仅脱掉自己的衬衫就使十几岁的女孩们激动得如痴如狂。剑桥国际Lawton was an amateur singer until the age of 40, when he turned professional.劳顿本是个业余歌手,直到40岁才成为专业歌手剑桥国际Liza Minelli plays a chanteuse in the film “Cabaret”.丽莎·米内利在电影《卡巴莱酒吧》中扮演一个酒吧女歌手剑桥国际She's a very talented young singer, Mike and I personally think she's got a great future ahead of her! 她是个很有天赋的年轻歌手,迈克和我的个人看法都是她的前途似锦。剑桥国际The concert was stage-managed to give the singer maximum publicity.演唱会被精心安排来使这歌手最大限度地获得知名度。剑桥国际The group roared in approval when MC Hammer came on stage.说唱乐主歌手汉默刚一登台,观众便大声叫好。剑桥国际The parting of the ways came after a series of disagreements between the singer and his song-writer.歌手和他的歌词作者之间经过一系列的分歧后最终散伙。剑桥国际The singer James Brown is a master of funk.歌手詹姆斯·布朗是乡土爵士乐的大师。剑桥国际The soprano began to sing amidst acclamations of the audience. 女高音歌手在四座欢呼声中开始演唱。译典通

