
单词 根状
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Culver's root〕The rootstock of this plant, formerly used in medicine as a cathartic and an emetic.灵威仙茎:该种植物的根状茎,早先在医药中用作泻剂和催吐剂美国传统〔haustorium〕A specialized absorbing structure of a parasitic plant, such as the rootlike outgrowth of the dodder, that obtains food from a host plant.吸根:寄生植物,如菟丝子的根状分枝的一种特殊的可以从寄生植物处吸取食物的吸收结构美国传统〔onion dome〕A pointed bulbous domelike roof, used especially in parts of Russia and eastern Europe.洋葱圆顶:尖球根状的类圆顶建筑物,尤其常见于俄罗斯部分地区与东欧美国传统〔rootstock〕A root or part of a root used as a stock for plant propagation.根状茎,砧木:作为植物繁殖的根茎或砧木美国传统〔valerian〕The dried rhizomes of this plant, used medicinally as a sedative.缬草根:这种植物干了的根状茎,可用来作为镇痛剂美国传统

