
单词 固执的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bird〕He's a tough old bird.他是一个固执的老家伙。剑桥高阶〔byword〕The department had become a byword for ignorance and obstinacy.这个部门已经成为了无知和固执的代号。外研社新世纪〔dogmatism〕Arrogant, stubborn assertion of opinion or belief.武断:对某意见或信条的傲慢而固执的论断美国传统〔donkey〕Slang An obstinate person.【俚语】 固执的美国传统〔estrange〕His persistent antagonism caused his wife to be alienated from him.固执的对立终于使得妻子疏远了他。美国传统〔expostulate〕It is useless to expostulate with such a stubborn man.对这样固执的人规劝是没有用的。英汉大词典〔fixation〕Carlo has an absolute fixation with the royal family.卡洛对皇室有一种固执的偏爱。朗文当代〔nonconformist〕They were stubborn nonconformists who chose to be arrested instead of obeying the laws.他们是一群固执的不循规蹈矩的人,宁愿被逮捕也不愿守法。韦氏高阶〔observation〕You're an obstinate man.—Is that a criticism or just an observation?你是个固执的人。——这是批评, 还是只是一个评论?外研社新世纪〔obstinate〕He was the most obstinate man I've ever met.他是我遇到过的最固执的人。朗文当代〔obstinate〕I now see that my obstinate refusal caused problems for everyone.我现在明白我当初固执的拒绝给每个人都带来了麻烦。麦克米伦高阶〔obstinate〕She was a wicked and obstinate child.她是个顽皮又固执的孩子。外研社新世纪〔obstinate〕Stubbornly adhering to an attitude, an opinion, or a course of action; obdurate.固执的,顽固的:固执地坚持某种态度、观点或一系列的行为;执迷不悟的美国传统〔obstinate〕The headstrong young couple entered into a marriage doomed to failure.这对固执的年轻人,结成了一桩注定要失败的婚姻。美国传统〔obstinate〕The obstinate girl would go her way, in spite of all warnings.这固执的姑娘不管人家怎样警告她,还是我行我素。英汉大词典〔obstinate〕The stiff-necked old Brahmin returned to Boston.那个固执的老布莱明回到了波士顿。美国传统〔opinionative〕Of, based on, or of the nature of an opinion.固执的,武断的:拥有或坚持一种观点的美国传统〔persistent〕He is one of the government's most persistent critics.他是政府最固执的批评家之一。韦氏高阶〔pertinacious〕Holding tenaciously to a purpose, belief, opinion, or course of action.坚持的,固执的:固执地坚持目标、信仰、意见或行动路线美国传统〔set〕People had very set ideas about how to bring up children.人们对养育孩子有着很固执的观点。朗文当代〔set〕She has very set ideas about how children should behave.她对孩子的行为方式有一些固执的看法。韦氏高阶〔set〕She has very set ideas about how to raise children.她对于如何抚养孩子有着非常固执的见解。麦克米伦高阶〔sticker〕A tenacious, diligent, or persistent person.固执的人:顽强、努力或执着的人美国传统〔streak〕Her stubborn streak makes her very difficult to work with sometimes.她固执的性格有时候使人很难和她共事。剑桥高阶〔tough〕She's a tough bargainer/negotiator.她是个固执的议价者/谈判者。韦氏高阶〔unbudgeable〕Not capable of being budged; inflexible or unyielding.无法改变的;不退让的或固执的美国传统〔unregenerate〕Stubborn; obstinate.固执的;愚顽的美国传统〔unyielding〕Not giving way to pressure or persuasion; obdurate.固执的:不屈服于压力的或不听从劝告的;固执的美国传统〔use〕Being stubborn can have its uses.固执也有固执的好处。朗文当代〔wrong-headed〕Stubbornly defiant of what is right or reasonable; obstinately perverse in judgment or opinion.固执的:对于正确或有理的事物固执地藐视的;在判断或意见上执拗地坚持的美国传统Her stubborn streak makes her very difficult to work with sometimes.她固执的个性使得有时和她一起工作十分困难。剑桥国际My brother has a bee in his bonnet about modern art. 我弟弟对现代艺术有一套奇怪固执的念头。译典通She describes herself as an unreconstructed feminist.她把自己描述为一名固执的女权主义者。剑桥国际That pigheaded old man refused to cooperate with the neighbors. 那个固执的老头拒绝和邻居合作。译典通The stubborn mayor finally consented to a dialogue with the strike leaders. 固执的市长终于同意与罢工领袖进行对话。译典通Turner describes the main character as practical but very pigheaded -- she doesn't listen to people as much as she should.特纳把主人公描述为一个讲实际但固执的人----她不大听取别人的意见。剑桥国际

