
单词 声部
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔accompaniment〕Music A vocal or instrumental part that supports another, often solo, part.【音乐】 伴唱,伴奏:伴随其他部分(如独唱)的声部或器乐部美国传统〔canon〕Music A composition or passage in which the same melody is repeated by one or more voices, overlapping in time in the same or a related key.【音乐】 卡农,卡农曲:一首乐曲或乐段,其中同样的旋律被一个或多个声部重复,同一调或相关调彼此在时间上重合美国传统〔concerted〕Music Arranged in parts for voices or instruments.【音乐】 编成合奏曲的:按声音与乐器分声部美国传统〔contralto〕The lowest female voice or voice part, intermediate in range between soprano and tenor.女低音:最低的女声或女声部,在音域上处于女高音和男高音之间美国传统〔counterpart〕The bass is the counterpart to the treble.低音部是高音部的对应声部英汉大词典〔cue〕A gesture by a conductor signaling the entrance of a performer or part.提示手势:指挥示意某一表演者或声部进入时所作手势美国传统〔cue〕An extract from the music for another part printed, usually in smaller notes, within a performer's part as a signal to enter after a long rest.提示小节:在乐谱中为另一声部作准备的选段,通常用较小的字体印刷,在演奏部分之内,作为在长时间休息后另一声部进入的信号美国传统〔descant〕Shall I sing the descant in the last verse? 我来唱最后一段的高声部好吗?剑桥高阶〔entrance〕The point, as in a musical score, at which a performer is to begin.开端处:某声部或乐器进入合唱或合奏的开始处美国传统〔fugue〕Music A polyphonic composition in which themes or a theme stated successively by a number of voices in imitation are developed contrapuntally.【音乐】 赋格曲:一种多韵律乐曲,其一个或多个旋律为相继进入的声部所模仿对位性发展而成美国传统〔melody〕The leading part or the air in a harmonic composition.主旋律,主声调:和声乐曲中之主要声部美国传统〔mezzo-soprano〕A vocal part calling for a voice having such a range.次高音部:要求用处于这一音域的嗓音演唱的声部美国传统〔monody〕A composition in this style.单声部旋律作品:这种风格的创作美国传统〔monody〕A style of composition having or dominated by a single melodic line; monophony.单音音乐:有一种旋律或受其支配的创作风格;单声部音乐美国传统〔monophonic〕Music Having a single melodic line; monodic.【音乐】 单声部的:具有单一旋律谱线的;单曲调的美国传统〔monophony〕Music consisting of a single melodic line.单声部音乐美国传统〔mouth〕This cavity regarded as the source of sounds and speech.发声部:被认为能发声和讲话源的腔美国传统〔part〕One of the melodic divisions or voices of a contrapuntal composition.乐曲的一部:复调音乐中的一段乐部或一个声部美国传统〔part〕The music or score for a particular instrument, as in an orchestra.音部,声部:为某种乐器而配制的音乐或乐谱,如管弦乐队中的音乐美国传统〔part〕The song's flute part is especially beautiful.这首曲子的长笛声部尤其动听。韦氏高阶〔primo〕The principal part in a duet or ensemble composition.第一声部:合(重)奏或合(重)唱中最主要的部分美国传统〔quintet〕A composition for five voices or instruments.五重唱、五重奏:五声部演唱或五种乐器演奏的作品美国传统〔rap〕Every member contributes to the rap, singing either solo or as part of a rap chorus.每个成员都参与到说唱中来,或者独唱,或者表演说唱乐中的和声部分。柯林斯高阶〔rondeau〕Music A medieval French song, either monophonic, as in the songs of the trouvères, or polyphonic in construction.【音乐】 回旋曲:一种行吟诗人唱的歌的单声部音乐或多声部音乐的中世纪法国歌曲美国传统〔secondo〕The second part in a concert piece, especially the lower part in a piano duet.第二声部:在音乐会歌曲中的第二部,尤其是钢琴二重奏的低音部美国传统〔second〕The second part, instrument, or voice in a harmonized composition.第二声部:在和声歌曲中的第二部分、演奏或声音美国传统〔soprano〕The soprano part in this opera is very demanding 这部歌剧的女高音声部很难唱。牛津搭配〔soprano〕The tonal range characteristic of a soprano.女高音声部,童声高音声部:适于这种声音音域的声部美国传统〔tail end〕I came late to the meeting and only caught the tail end.我到会太晚了,只赶上了会议的尾声部分。韦氏高阶〔tenor〕A part for this voice.男高音声部美国传统〔thesis〕Music The accented section of a measure.【音乐】 强声部:一个调子中重读的部分美国传统〔transcribe〕Music To adapt or arrange (a composition) for a voice or an instrument other than the original.【音乐】 改编:改写或改编(一件音乐作品),用于人声部演唱或器乐演奏,与原曲有所不同美国传统〔treble〕A singer or player that performs this part.高音:一个演唱或演奏这个声部的歌唱家或表演者高(声音)美国传统〔treble〕He sings treble.他唱最高声部剑桥高阶〔treble〕The highest part, voice, instrument, or range.高音部:最高声部、最高声部乐器或最高音域美国传统〔treble〕The treble is rather difficult.最高声部的难度是相当大的。英汉大词典〔treble〕The trebles sing the following passages.最高声部的歌手们唱以下几节。英汉大词典〔unison〕The combination of parts at the same pitch or in octaves.同唱,同奏:在相同音高或在八音度内声部的结合美国传统〔voice part〕A part or strand of a composition written for the human voice.声部:为人类声音所谱写的乐曲的一部分美国传统〔voice〕To provide (a composition) with voice parts.给(一部乐曲)配上声部美国传统He sings treble.他唱最高声部剑桥国际

