
单词 surveying
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alidade〕A topographic surveying and mapping instrument used for determining directions, consisting of a telescope and attached parts.照准仪:用来确定方向的地形测量和绘图工具,包括望远镜和其它附件美国传统〔area〕He slowly turned around, surveying the area.他慢慢回转身,审视着这片区域。牛津搭配〔fiducial〕Regarded or employed as a standard of reference, as in surveying.基准的:在测量勘定时认为或作为基准的美国传统〔leave〕He drove off, leaving Jones surveying the scene.他驾车离开了, 留下琼斯勘察现场。外研社新世纪〔leave〕Salter drove off, leaving Callendar surveying the scene.索尔特开车走了,剩下卡伦德勘查现场。柯林斯高阶〔level〕Such a device combined with a telescope and used in surveying.测地水准仪:装有望远镜的这种装置,用于测量美国传统〔offset〕A short distance measured perpendicularly from the main line in surveying, used to help in calculating the area of an irregular plot.支距:在测量中,从主线垂直测得的一个短的距离,用以帮(辅)助计算一不规则的小块土地之面积美国传统〔plane table〕A portable surveying instrument consisting essentially of a drawing board and a ruler mounted on a tripod and used to sight and map topographical details.平板仪:一种便携式观测仪器,主要包括安放在三脚架上的绘图板和一把直尺,用于观测和绘制地形详图美国传统〔prospect〕The act of surveying or examining.考察:考察或调查的行为美国传统〔retainer〕I found the gardener, a family retainer, morosely surveying the scene.我发现这个园丁——家里一个服侍多年的仆人,愁眉苦脸地审视着这个场景。柯林斯高阶〔scene〕She stood in the doorway surveying the scene.她站在门口审视着那幅景象。麦克米伦高阶〔sight〕A device used to assist aim by guiding the eye, as on a firearm or surveying instrument.瞄准器:通过引导眼睛以帮助瞄准的一种装置,如火器或测量仪器上的美国传统〔survey〕He sat quietly, surveying the scene around him.他静静地坐着,审视着周围的景象。麦克米伦高阶〔survey〕In more than 30 years of surveying he has never yet known a building to collapse because of subsidence.他做房屋评估工作都30多年了,还从未听说过哪一座房子由于地基下陷而倒塌的。柯林斯高阶〔survey〕People were surveying the damage after the storm.人们当时正在查看暴风雨过后的损失。韦氏高阶〔survey〕The process of surveying.考察过程美国传统〔tachymeter〕A surveying instrument used for the rapid determination of distances, elevations, and bearings.速测仪:一种用来迅速测定距离、高度和方位的测量仪器美国传统〔tellurometer〕A surveying instrument that measures distance by measuring the round-trip travel time of reflected microwaves.微波测距仪:通过反射的微波来回行程的时间来测量距离的测量仪器美国传统〔topography〕The surveying of the features of a place or region.地形测量:对某地或地区地面状况的调查美国传统〔transit〕A surveying instrument similar to a theodolite that measures horizontal and vertical angles.中星仪:一种类似于测量水平或垂直角度的测伟仪的测量器具美国传统〔transit〕To revolve (the telescope of a surveying transit) about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction.旋转:使(中星仪的望远镜)围绕其水平模轴旋转,并转向一个相反的方向美国传统〔traverse〕A line established by sighting in surveying a tract of land.横断线:在测量一块土地时通过目视确定的线美国传统〔turn〕He sighed, turning away and surveying the sea.他叹口气,转身远眺大海。柯林斯高阶

