
单词 sly
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CALL/DESCRIBE AS〕Eliot was described by Lewis as arrogant, sly and insincere. 艾略特被刘易斯说成为人傲慢、狡猾、虚伪。朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕A sly look crossed his face when Patsy mentioned the money. 帕齐提到这笔钱的时候,一丝诡秘的神色从他脸上掠过。朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕Children of that age can be very sly. 那个年龄的孩子可以是非常诡诈的。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Eliot looked sly and deceitful, as though he wasn't telling us the whole truth. 埃利奥特一脸的狡诈骗人相,好像没把所有实情都告诉我们。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕He's a sly old devil isn't he! Nobody knew he had as much money as that! 他是个狡猾的老东西,对不对!谁都不知道他竟然有这么多钱!朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕My parents didn't approve, but we continued to meet on the sly. 我父母不赞成,但我们继续暗中约会。朗文写作活用〔combine〕Her tale has a consciously youthful tone and storyline, combined with a sly humour.她的故事有意采用富于青春气息的笔调和情节,同时还带些调侃。柯林斯高阶〔dart〕She darted a sly sideways glance at Bramwell.她狡黠地从眼角瞥了布拉姆韦尔一眼。柯林斯高阶〔dart〕She darted a sly sideways glance at him.她狡黠地斜瞥了他一眼。外研社新世纪〔deceitful〕His manner was sly and deceitful.他的态度诡诈而又不老实。朗文当代〔dig〕He kept making sly little digs at me.他总是拐弯抹角地挖苦我。牛津高阶〔dig〕Her comments have been interpreted as a sly dig at her former husband.她的评论被理解为是在拐弯抹角地批评前夫。韦氏高阶〔dig〕I resisted the temptation to get in a sly dig at Fred .我忍住了没有转弯抹角地挖苦弗雷德。牛津搭配〔directness〕After mealy-mouthed Mr Slyd, Kent's directness was appealing.听过斯莱德先生拐弯抹角的讲话, 肯特的直率吸引了人们。外研社新世纪〔fleet〕A sly smile fleeted across her face.她的脸上掠过一丝狡诈的微笑。外研社新世纪〔footsie〕To cooperate or curry favor with in a sly or devious way.搞秘密交易:以一种秘密的或不正当的途径合作或搞交易美国传统〔fox〕A crafty, sly, or clever person.诡计多端的人:狡诈、诡诈或聪明的人美国传统〔fox〕He was a sly old fox.他是个狡猾的老狐狸。朗文当代〔furtive〕He looked sly and furtive.他显得偷偷摸摸,鬼鬼祟祟。牛津高阶〔leer〕A desirous, sly, or knowing look.秋波,媚眼,斜睨:表示挑逗、狡猾或会意的一瞥美国传统〔leer〕To look with a sidelong glance, indicative especially of sexual desire or sly and malicious intent.送秋波,抛媚眼:投以一瞥,尤指表示性欲或狡猾而怀有恶意者美国传统〔lose〕The sly rabbit lost the dogs.狡兔把狗群远远抛在后面。英汉大词典〔manipulative〕She was sly, selfish, and manipulative.她狡猾、自私,善于摆布别人。朗文当代〔meaningful〕He gave me a sly, meaningful look.他诡秘地看了我一眼, 似乎别有深意。外研社新世纪〔miss〕What a sly little miss she is.她是一个多么机灵的小女孩啊。麦克米伦高阶〔serpentine〕Subtly sly and tempting.阴险的:阴险并有诱惑意的美国传统〔serpent〕A subtle, sly, or treacherous person.邪恶之徒:精明、奸诈或阴险的人美国传统〔sidelong〕The film's director breaks up the swearing and snogging with sly, sidelong observations about the condition of the country.影片导演在一个儿女情长的故事里间接而隐晦地穿插了他对国家局势的看法。外研社新世纪〔slyboots〕A sly person.狡猾的人美国传统〔slyly〕He gave me a sly, meaningful look.他心照不宣地看了我一眼,意味深长。柯林斯高阶〔slyly〕He's a sly old beggar if ever there was one.他确确实实是个老奸巨猾的家伙。柯林斯高阶〔slyly〕His lips were spread in a sly smile.他心照不宣地咧嘴一笑。柯林斯高阶〔slyly〕She is devious and sly and manipulative.她阴险狡诈,会玩人。柯林斯高阶〔sly〕He drives his mother's car on the sly while she's at work.他在母亲上班的时候偷开她的汽车。剑桥高阶〔sly〕He has to visit them on the sly.他只得偷偷地去看望他们。牛津高阶〔sly〕He leaned forward with a sly smile.他俯身向前诡秘地一笑。朗文当代〔sly〕He made a sly reference to the events of the previous night.他会心地提及前一天晚上发生的事。麦克米伦高阶〔sly〕He's a sly old beggar.他是一个狡猾的老乞丐。外研社新世纪〔sly〕He's a sly old devil - I wouldn't trust him with my money.他是个老滑头——我不会把钱交托给他的。剑桥高阶〔sly〕I'm supposed to be on a diet, but I still have the odd bar of chocolate on the sly.我应该正处于节食期,但我还是偶尔偷偷地吃一点巧克力。麦克米伦高阶〔sly〕The boys smoked on the sly.男孩们偷偷地抽烟。英汉大词典〔sly〕They'd been seeing each other on the sly for months.他们已经偷偷约会了好几个月。朗文当代〔sly〕You sly old devil! How long have you known? 你这个老滑头!你知道有多久了?牛津高阶〔snaky〕Treacherous; sly.奸诈的;狡猾的美国传统〔thing〕He was many things at once: thick-skinned, good-hearted, sentimental, sly, brutal, naive.他这个人同时具有许多特性:脸皮厚、心肠好、多愁善感、狡猾、残忍、天真。英汉大词典〔underhand〕In a sly and secret way.偷偷地,秘密地美国传统〔uneasily〕He said nothing but gave me a sly grin that made me feel terribly uneasy.他什么也没说,只是朝我狡黠地笑了笑,这让我感到极其不安。柯林斯高阶〔wriggle〕To worm one's way into or out of a situation; insinuate or extricate oneself by sly or subtle means.摆脱,逃脱:使自己慢慢地进入或摆脱某种状况;用狡诈的或巧妙的方法巧妙取得或解脱美国传统A slow sly smile was creeping around the corners of his mouth. 他的嘴角慢慢露出了诡秘的微笑。译典通Are you sure you can trust him --he's such a cunning / sly / wily old fox.你肯定能信任他吗----他是个狡诈的/阴险的/诡计多端的老狐狸。剑桥国际He drives his mother's car on the sly while she's out at work.在他母亲出去工作时,他偷偷开了她的汽车。剑桥国际He's a sly old goat.他是个老奸巨滑的色鬼。剑桥国际He's a sly one! He kept his inheritance secret for ten years.他是个诡秘的家伙!他将遗产的秘密隐藏了十年。剑桥国际Issuing more bonds is a sly way for the government to hold out the hat.发行更多的债券是政府一种狡猾的要钱方法。剑桥国际She is having an affair with her Japanese teacher on the sly. 她和她的日文老师偷偷有了恋情。译典通They exchanged sly looks and smiles. 他们交换会意的眼色和微笑。译典通Upton's a sly old devil. I wouldn't trust him with my money.厄普顿是个狡诈的老恶棍。我不会把钱交托给他。剑桥国际When he referred to people not paying their fair share, I think he was having a sly (= not openly expressed) dig at me.当他谈及人们没有缴纳应交的一份时,我想他是在影射我。剑桥国际When she thought no one was looking she opened the cupboard and took a few sweets on the sly. 当她觉得没人看见时,便打开壁橱偷偷拿了几块糖。译典通

