
单词 statistical
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bose〕Indian physicist whose work in quantum mechanics provided the base for a statistical description of the behavior of large numbers of bosons.玻色,萨田德拉·纳斯:印度物理学家,他关于量子力学的作品是对大量玻子性状进行统计学描述的基础美国传统〔COMPLETE/NOT COMPLETE〕The atlas contains full statistical descriptions of each country. 这本地图册详细记述了每个国家的数据资料。朗文写作活用〔SMSA〕Standard metropolitan statistical area.美国行政区划单位标准大都统计区美国传统〔anomaly〕Statistical anomalies can make it difficult to compare economic data from one year to the next.统计上的不规范会使年与年之间的经济数据难以互相比较。剑桥高阶〔anomaly〕The apparent trend towards extreme weather might be nothing more than a statistical anomaly.向极端天气发展的明显趋势可能仅仅是统计数据中的异常现象而已。外研社新世纪〔bias〕A statistical sampling or testing error caused by systematically favoring some outcomes over others.偏差:由于系统上的结果偏差而导致的统计抽样或试验的错误美国传统〔bimodal〕Having two distinct statistical modes.双模态的:有两个不同统计模式的美国传统〔biometrics〕The statistical study of biological phenomena.生物统计学:生物学现象的统计学研究美国传统〔breakout〕A classified summary of statistical data.对统计数据的分类总结美国传统〔cartogram〕A presentation of statistical data in geographical distribution on a map.统计图:统计资料在地图上的地理分布美国传统〔computation〕All the statistical computations were performed by the new software system.所有的统计计算均由新的软件系统完成。牛津高阶〔concordance rate〕A quantitative statistical expression for the concordance of a given genetic trait.一致率:为给定基因特征的一致性所作的数学统计表现方式美国传统〔confidence interval〕A statistical range with a specified probability that a given parameter lies within the range.置信区间:给定的参数以一定概率落在某一区间内美国传统〔diagram〕The statistician diagrammed the statistical results.统计员用图表来表示统计结果。21世纪英汉〔eliminate〕We have eliminated all statistical tables, which are of interest only to the specialist.我们删去了全部统计表格,因只有专家才对这些表格感兴趣。21世纪英汉〔employ〕Sophisticated statistical analysis was employed to obtain these results.利用尖端的统计分析技术得到了这些结果。剑桥高阶〔entrails〕Elsewhere in the statistical entrails of this Budget, the news is not good.从这项预算的其他统计内容来看, 情况不妙。外研社新世纪〔groundwork〕These courses provide the groundwork of statistical theory.这些课程介绍的是统计学理论的基础。柯林斯高阶〔groundwork〕These courses provide the groundwork of statistical theory.这些课程讲授统计理论的基础知识。外研社新世纪〔indicator〕Any of various statistical values that together provide an indication of the condition or direction of the economy.指标:任何一个统计数值,这些数值综合在一起能表明经济的状况或经济发展方向美国传统〔kurtosis〕The general form or a quantity indicative of the general form of a statistical frequency curve near the mean of the distribution.峰度:一种统计频率曲线接近分布中心时的大致状态或指示这种状态的数量美国传统〔mean deviation〕In a statistical distribution, the average of the absolute values of the differences between individual numbers and their mean.平均偏差,平均差:统计概率函数中,各个数与其平均数之差的绝对值的平均数美国传统〔modal〕Statistics Of or relating to a statistical mode or modes.【统计学】 众数的:属于或关于统计众数的美国传统〔mode〕Statistics The value or item occurring most frequently in a series of observations or statistical data.【统计学】 众数:在一系列的观测数据或数据资料中出现次数最多的值或项目美国传统〔nonsignificant〕Having, producing, or being a value obtained from a statistical test that lies within the limits for being of random occurrence.非显著的:指含有、产生或是处于偶然变差限度之内的数据测试而获得的数值的美国传统〔off〕Your statistical results are off.你的统计数据不精确美国传统〔quirk〕The spate of storms and hurricanes in recent years could be a statistical quirk.从统计数字上看,近些年来暴风雨和飓风的频发非同寻常。柯林斯高阶〔reference〕Statistical tables are referenced in the appendix.附录内刊有统计图表以供参考。英汉大词典〔regress〕To have a tendency to approach or go back to a statistical mean.退步:接近或退回到一个统计方式的美国传统〔reliability〕The reliability of the statistical estimates can be measured.可以对统计估计的可靠性进行检测。牛津搭配〔seam〕The 466-page book is a rich seam of statistical information.这本 466 页的书是一个丰富的统计信息库。朗文当代〔significance〕They discussed the statistical significance of the results.他们讨论了这些结果在统计学上的意义。牛津高阶〔sleight of hand〕By some statistical sleight of hand the government has produced figures showing that unemployment has recently fallen.通过在统计数字上耍些手腕,政府弄出了一些显示最近失业率下降的数字。剑桥高阶〔snare〕Given data which are free from bias there are further snares to avoid in statistical work.即使数据本身不存在偏差在统计工作中仍需要避免其他陷阱。柯林斯高阶〔statistically〕The report contains a great deal of statistical information.报告中包含很多统计资料。柯林斯高阶〔statistically〕We need to back that suspicion up with statistical proof.我们需要用统计数据来证实那一猜测。柯林斯高阶〔statistical〕Statistical evidence indicates smokers are more likely to get lung cancer than nonsmokers.统计证据表明,吸烟者比不吸烟者更容易患肺癌。韦氏高阶〔statistical〕My work involves a lot of statistical analysis of data.我的工作涉及到很多对数据的统计分析。麦克米伦高阶〔statistical〕The report contains a great deal of statistical information.报告包含大量统计资料。外研社新世纪〔statistician〕A compiler of statistical data.统计员:统计数字的编排者美国传统〔survey〕To conduct a statistical survey on.对…进行数据调查美国传统〔table〕He showed the price fluctuations in a statistical table.他用统计表呈现价格的波动情况。牛津搭配〔trough〕A low point in a business cycle or on a statistical graph.低潮:工商业循环的低潮或数据图表上的低点美国传统Statistical anomalies can make it difficult to compare economic data from one year to the next.统计数字的不规则,会使某一年的经济资料很难与下一年相比较。剑桥国际He avoids the often crude prescriptions (= instructions/rules about how to behave) and statistical comparisons provided by other books about race.他避免了其他书中有关种族的通常粗鲁的行为准则和统计比较。剑桥国际The computer program uses statistical techniques to graph different financial scenarios.计算机程序使用统计技术图示不同的财务状况。牛津商务We then do a statistical analysis of the measurements we have taken.我们随后对测量结果进行统计分析。牛津商务With a little statistical sleight of hand they could make things look all right. 只要在统计上耍些小小的花招,他们就能瞒天过海。译典通

