
单词 合伙做
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cahoot〕They went cahoot in business.他们合伙做生意。英汉大词典〔since〕They went to Dartmouth College together in the 1960s and have frequently done business together since.20 世纪 60 年代时他们一起去达特茅斯学院求学,之后也经常合伙做生意。柯林斯高阶〔square〕She should have squared things with Jay before she went into this business with Walker.她和沃克合伙做生意之前本应该先搞定杰伊。外研社新世纪〔trade〕They now trade as a partnership.他们现在合伙做生意。牛津搭配〔way〕I formed a partnership with him in the drapery way.我与他合伙做布匹生意。英汉大词典

