
单词 奸诈
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHEAT〕The old lady was conned out of her life savings by a crooked insurance dealer. 这个老太太的毕生积蓄被一个奸诈的保险商骗走了。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕Once the shysters get involved, you can be sure we'll end up in court. 奸诈的律师一旦牵涉进来,那就可以肯定我们免不了要上法庭了。朗文写作活用〔acquire〕He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty.他得到了奸诈的名声。牛津高阶〔crafty〕He's a crafty old devil.他是个奸诈狡猾的老家伙。牛津高阶〔dishonest〕He is not a liar or a dishonest person.他不是骗子, 也不是奸诈之徒。外研社新世纪〔dissimulation〕He was incapable of either dissimulation or duplicity.他既不会虚假,也不会奸诈文馨英汉〔do ... in〕She was done in by an unscrupulous broker.她被一个奸诈的经纪人骗了。21世纪英汉〔double-dealing〕They even accused each other of double-dealing.他们甚至彼此指控对方奸诈文馨英汉〔duplicitous〕Given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.奸诈的,骗人的:行为或语言上有意欺骗的美国传统〔duplicitous〕He is a possessive, duplicitous and unreasonable man.他是一个占有欲强、奸诈而又蛮不讲理的人。外研社新世纪〔duplicitous〕He is a possessive, duplicitous and unreasonable man.他是一个贪婪、奸诈而又蛮不讲理的人。柯林斯高阶〔fast one〕A shrewd trick or swindle; a deceitful or treacherous act.巧计:狡猾的把戏或诈骗;欺骗或奸诈的行为美国传统〔fox〕To trick or fool by ingenuity or cunning; outwit.使上当:以诡计或奸诈迷惑或愚弄;以智取胜美国传统〔guile〕His cunning and guile were not attributes I would ever underestimate.我从未对他的狡猾和奸诈掉以轻心。柯林斯高阶〔guile〕His cunning and guile were not attributes I would ever underestimate.我决不会低估他狡猾和奸诈的品性。外研社新世纪〔innocence〕Freedom from guile, cunning, or deceit; simplicity or artlessness.无知,头脑简单:从不欺骗,奸诈或隐瞒;无知,天真美国传统〔overreach〕To get the better of, especially by deceitful cleverness; outwit.诈骗:以奸诈取胜于…,尤指以狡诈;智胜美国传统〔reptile〕A person regarded as despicable or treacherous.卑鄙的人:被认为是卑鄙的或奸诈的人美国传统〔reptilian〕Despicable; treacherous.卑鄙的;奸诈美国传统〔role〕She plays the role of a crooked lawyer.她扮演一个奸诈的律师。剑桥高阶〔serpent〕A subtle, sly, or treacherous person.邪恶之徒:精明、奸诈或阴险的人美国传统〔shark〕People who need a place to live can often find themselves at the mercy of local property sharks.需要住房的人常常会发现自己被当地那些奸诈的房地产商人所摆布。剑桥高阶〔shrewd〕Disposed to artful and cunning practices; tricky.奸诈的,狡猾的:喜欢狡猾、欺诈行为的;耍花招的美国传统〔shyster〕What are those shyster politicians doing now? 那些奸诈的政客正在干什么呢?剑桥高阶〔slime〕She thinks men are slime.她觉得男人都很奸诈韦氏高阶〔sly〕Under the façade of morality and patriotism can be perceived the false and tricky political opportunist that he is.从道德和爱国心来看,他能被看作是一个虚伪奸诈的政治投机者。美国传统〔snaky〕Treacherous; sly.奸诈的;狡猾的美国传统〔sneak〕A person regarded as stealthy, cowardly, or underhand.鬼鬼祟祟之人:被认为是偷偷摸摸的,没有勇气的或奸诈的人美国传统〔superficial〕Beneath his refined manners and superficial elegance lay something treacherous.在他温文尔雅、貌似高贵的举止下隐藏着某种奸诈朗文当代〔treacherous〕He was weak, cowardly and treacherous.他软弱、胆怯、奸诈牛津高阶〔treacherous〕The President spoke of the treacherous intentions of the enemy.总统谈及了敌人的奸诈用心。柯林斯高阶〔unscrupulous〕He was cruel, treacherous and unscrupulous.他残酷,奸诈,而且肆无忌惮。英汉大词典〔unscrupulous〕Unscrupulous operators collect money from clients before vanishing without a trace.奸诈刁滑的经营者从客户手里收到钱后就消失得无影无踪。外研社新世纪〔viper〕A person regarded as malicious or treacherous.奸诈者:被认为是阴险或狡诈的人美国传统Craftiness was written on his face. 他脸上露出一副奸诈相。译典通He intimidated the questioner with a cold, reptilian gaze.他用冷漠奸诈的凝视恐吓提问者。剑桥国际He is a man of deceit. 他是一个奸诈的人。译典通He was cruel, treacherous and unscrupulous. 他残忍、奸诈、不择手段。译典通Her elderly aunt had fallen prey to a dishonest salesman.她的上了年纪的姑姑深受奸诈的推销员之害。剑桥国际The villagers avoided him because of his association with the villains and vipers. 因为他与坏蛋和奸诈者有交往,村民们都避讳他。译典通

