
单词 摄政
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROUP〕I walked down Regent Street with its crowds of tourists and Christmas shoppers. 我随着游客和圣诞节购物者的人流走在摄政街上。朗文写作活用〔Regency〕Regency architecture 摄政时期风格的建筑麦克米伦高阶〔chance〕Ten years after leaving school, we chanced on/upon (= unexpectedly met) each other in Regent Street.毕业10年后,我们在摄政街偶遇。剑桥高阶〔indolent〕Who was the grossly fat and indolent Prince Regent?那个胖得要死、好逸恶劳的摄政王是谁?外研社新世纪〔minority〕Castile, who was regent of France during his minority尚未成年便成为法国摄政王的卡斯蒂耶外研社新世纪〔park〕Regent's Park.摄政公园柯林斯高阶〔park〕Regent's Park摄政公园外研社新世纪〔price tag〕The price tag on the 34-room white Regency mansion is £17.5 million.那栋有34个房间的摄政时期的白色官邸报价为1,750万英镑。外研社新世纪〔price tag〕The price tag on the 34-room white Regency mansion is £17.5 million.那栋有34个房间的摄政时期的白色官邸报价为1,750万英镑。柯林斯高阶〔prince regent〕A prince who rules during the minority, absence, or incapacity of a sovereign.摄政王:当君主未达法定年龄、不在或没有能力时统治国家的亲王美国传统〔protectorate〕The government, office, or term of a protector.摄政政体:摄政王的政府、职务或任期美国传统〔protector〕A person who rules a kingdom during the minority of a sovereign.摄政者:在君主未成年时统治国家的人美国传统〔regency〕A person or group selected to govern in place of a monarch or other ruler who is absent, disabled, or still in minority.摄政者:当君主或去其他统治者不在、有残疾或年纪尚幼时被选派管理国家的一个人或一组人美国传统〔regency〕Peace was restored during the regency.摄政时期恢复了和平。韦氏高阶〔regency〕Regency architecture 摄政时期风格的建筑牛津高阶〔regency〕The office, area of jurisdiction, or government of regents or a regent.摄政职位:摄政者或摄政团的职务、法律范围或政府美国传统〔regency〕The people supported the regency.人民支持摄政政府。韦氏高阶〔regency〕The period during which a regent governs.摄政期:由摄政者统治的时期美国传统〔regent〕One acting as a ruler or governor.摄政者:作为统治者或总督的人美国传统〔regent〕One who rules during the minority, absence, or disability of a monarch.摄政王:在一个君主年幼、离开或无能力期间治理的人美国传统〔regent〕The prince was too young when the king died, so his uncle was appointed regent.国王死时,王子太小,所以王叔被指定为摄政王。英汉大词典〔vice regent〕One who acts as a regent's deputy.副摄政者:代理摄政王的人美国传统〔vicegerent〕A person appointed by a ruler or head of state to act as an administrative deputy.摄政者,代理人:由国家统治者或者首脑指派的行政代理人美国传统A Regency buck 摄政时期的花花公子剑桥国际George IV became Prince Regent in 1811, because of his father's insanity.由于其父发疯,乔治四世于1811年成为摄政王。剑桥国际In the UK, it is customary for the next heir to the throne to be regent.在英国,通常由下一位王位继承人摄政剑桥国际She visited the Regent of Hungary. 她拜访了匈牙利的摄政王。译典通Ten years after leaving school, we chanced on/upon (=unexpectedly met) each other in Regent Street.离校十年后,我们在摄政街偶遇。剑桥国际The eldest son succeeded to the protectorate after his father died. 他父亲死后,长子继承了摄政职位。译典通

