
单词 救下来
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔deposition〕Deposition The removal of Jesus from the cross. Deposition 将耶稣从十字架上解救下来美国传统〔final〕Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit.今天宇航员将会做最后一次尝试,力图把一颗通信卫星从无效的轨道上抢救下来柯林斯高阶〔get〕Firefighters got him down using a ladder.消防队员用梯子把他救下来麦克米伦高阶〔risk〕He risked life and limb to get the cat down from the tree.他冒着生命危险爬到树上去把猫救下来剑桥高阶He got a purchase on a branch until we came to his rescue. 他紧紧抓住一根树枝直到我们把他救下来译典通He risked life and limb to get the cat down from the tree (= it was a dangerous thing to attempt).他冒险把猫从树上救下来剑桥国际

