
单词 波希米亚
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bohemian Forest〕A mountain range along the border of southeast Germany and western Czechoslovakia. The region is known for its glassmaking and woodcarving.波希米亚林山:沿着德国东南与捷克斯洛伐克西部两国边界的山脉地区。该地区以玻璃制造和木雕著名美国传统〔Bohemian〕A native or inhabitant of Bohemia.波希米亚人:波希米亚本地人或居民美国传统〔Bohemian〕The Czech dialects of Bohemia.波希米亚语:波希米亚的捷克方言美国传统〔Czech〕A native or inhabitant of Czechoslovakia, especially a Bohemian, Moravian, or Silesian.捷克人:捷克斯洛伐克的本地人或居民,尤指波希米亚人、摩拉维亚人或西里西亚人美国传统〔bohemian〕Temple Bar is Dublin's lively bohemian quarter.坦普尔巴是都柏林具有波希米亚风格且充满活力的地区。麦克米伦高阶〔glass〕She has a fine collection of Bohemian glass.她收藏了一批做工精细的波希米亚玻璃制品。牛津高阶〔hit〕Which band had a hit with 'Bohemian Rhapsody'? 《波希米亚狂想曲》是哪支乐队风行一时的歌曲?朗文当代〔polka〕A lively round dance originating in Bohemia and performed by couples.波尔卡舞:源于波希米亚并由双人来表演的一种活泼的绕圈舞蹈美国传统〔powerful〕He was one of the most powerful men in Bohemia.他是波希米亚最有权势的人之一。朗文当代〔sing〕Pavarotti is singing Rodolfo (= singing the part of Rodolfo) in "La Bohème" at La Scala this week.帕瓦罗蒂本周将在拉斯卡拉剧院扮演歌剧《波希米亚人》中的鲁道夫。剑桥高阶〔splurge〕We splurged on Bohemian glass for gifts, and for ourselves.我们花了很多钱买波希米亚玻璃制品送人和自用。柯林斯高阶Pavarotti is singing Rodolfo (= singing the part of Rodolfo) in ‘La Boheme’ at La Scala this week.帕瓦洛蒂本周将在拉斯卡拉剧院扮演歌剧《波希米亚人》中的鲁道夫。剑桥国际

