
单词 快进
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WEATHER〕Come in out of the cold. 外面天气很冷,快进来。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕Come on in out of the wet. 快进来,别让雨淋着。朗文写作活用〔a damn/darn sight〕You'll have to work a damn/darn sight quicker than that if you want to get done on time.要是你想按时完成,你就必须大大加快进度。韦氏高阶〔advance〕The technician advanced the film by a few frames.技术员将影片快进了几格。麦克米伦高阶〔come in〕Hi, come in - great to see you! 嘿,快进来——见到你真高兴!剑桥高阶〔crack the whip〕We were two months behind schedule, so I decided it was time to crack the whip.我们比原计划落后了两个月,所以我决定该督促加快进度了。剑桥高阶〔death〕Faye, come in this minute, you'll catch your death out there!费伊, 快进屋来, 你在外面会得重感冒的!外研社新世纪〔do〕Do come in and have a seat.快进来坐坐。韦氏高阶〔duck〕Let's duck in the bar for a drink.我们快进酒吧去喝一杯吧。英汉大词典〔enter〕The medication will quickly enter the blood stream.这种药物将会很快进入血流。韦氏高阶〔expedite〕I have asked them to expedite the process.我已经告诉他们要加快进程。外研社新世纪〔expedite〕Something needs to be done to expedite the process.需要采取措施以加快进程。剑桥高阶〔fast forward〕Before recording onto a new tape, wind it on fast forward, then rewind.在录新磁带之前, 按快进键进带, 然后倒带。外研社新世纪〔fast forward〕Before recording onto a new tape, wind it on fast forward, then rewind.新带使用之前按快进键进带,然后倒带。柯林斯高阶〔fast forward〕He fast-forwarded the tape past the explosion.他让带子快进,跳过爆炸场景。柯林斯高阶〔fast forward〕I really tried with this film, but kept pushing the fast-forward button — I found it unwatchable.我的确尝试过看这部片子,但不停地按快进键——我觉得不好看。柯林斯高阶〔fast forward〕Just fast forward the video.让录像带快进就行了。柯林斯高阶〔fast forward〕Put it on fast forward.让它快进吧。麦克米伦高阶〔fast-forward〕A function on an electronic recording device, such as a videocassette or tape player, that permits rapid advancement of the tape.快进:录像机或录音机等电动录音设备的一种功能,可以让磁带快速前进美国传统〔fast-forward〕Hit the fast-forward button.按快进键。韦氏高阶〔fast-forward〕I hate this song - I'll fast-forward to the next one.我讨厌这首歌,我要快进到下一首。剑桥高阶〔fast-forward〕Let's fast-forward through the adverts.我们按快进跳过广告吧。麦克米伦高阶〔fast-forward〕Press fast forward to advance the tape.按下快进键向前转带子。牛津高阶〔fast-forward〕The mechanism, such as a button, used to activate this function.快进装置:按钮等实现快进功能的机械装置美国传统〔fast-forward〕The tape jammed while I was fast-forwarding it.我快进的时候,磁带卡住了。剑桥高阶〔fast-forward〕To advance (a tape) rapidly on such a device.快进:使此种装备中(的磁带)快进美国传统〔fast-forward〕We fast-forwarded the tape to get to the last song.我们把磁带快进到最后一首歌。韦氏高阶〔foray〕We made a quick foray into town for some supplies.我们很快进城买了些生活用品。韦氏高阶〔forward〕Wind the tape forward.让磁带快进外研社新世纪〔freeze-frame〕The VCR allows you to fast-forward, reverse, or put the picture in freeze-frame.录像机可以快进、倒退或者定格图片。韦氏高阶〔harvest〕Have you harvested your crops? It'll be rainy season.你的庄稼收割完了吗?快进入雨季了。21世纪英汉〔humanly〕An investigation will be made as quickly as humanly possible.(我们)将就能力所及地尽快进行调查。文馨英汉〔indoors〕Come indoors, it's cold outside.快进屋,外面很冷。剑桥高阶〔jump〕Jump in, Francis. There's room for one more person in the car.弗朗西斯,快进来,汽车里还可以坐一个人。英汉大词典〔manipulate〕The chief scientist manipulated his computer controls to fast-forward the satellite photos.首席科学家用控制键快进卫星图片。外研社新世纪〔midway〕They were denied an obvious penalty before the midway point of the first half.在上半场快进行到一半时, 他们明显应该得到一个点球, 裁判却没有判。外研社新世纪〔move〕It's up to the committee to move the process along.加快进程是委员会的责任。麦克米伦高阶〔ourselves〕Charlie, come in quickly, we are all by ourselves.查理,快进来,就我们自己在家。英汉大词典〔pass〕The drug passes quickly into the bloodstream.药物很快进入血液。韦氏高阶〔point〕Hurry up and get to the point! 快进入正题吧!牛津搭配〔reply〕Deryck Fox gave Featherstone the lead early in the first half with a penalty, but Saints were quick to reply.德里克·福克斯在上半场的罚球使费瑟斯通队领先,但是圣徒队很快进行了反击。柯林斯高阶〔rewind〕Press rewind or fast-forward.按下倒带键或快进键。柯林斯高阶〔run into〕The storm is coming.Run into the classroom!暴风雨来了,快进教室去!21世纪英汉〔run〕Could you run the tape/film/video back/forwards, please? 你可以把磁带/电影/录像带倒回去/向前快进一下吗?剑桥高阶〔speed up〕The work has been slow so far but it should speed up soon.工作一直进展缓慢,不过应该马上就会加快进度了。韦氏高阶〔speed〕Is there anything we can do to speed the process (along)? 我们能做点什么来加快进展吗?韦氏高阶〔wet〕Come in out of the wet.快进来,别淋着。牛津高阶Come in quickly--you're wet through (= completely wet).快进来----你湿透了。剑桥国际Come indoors, it's cold outside.快进屋,外面很冷。剑桥国际Despite the discouragement of playing to a very small audience, we soon began to enjoy ourselves.尽管对着数目很少的听众演奏叫人心灰意冷,我们还是很快进入了自得其乐的状态。剑桥国际Don't stand out there in the cold, come in here and get warm.别站在外面挨冻,快进来暖一暖吧。剑桥国际I'll just fast-forward the tape to the end.我只要把带子快进到末尾。剑桥国际Press the fast-forward.按下快进键。剑桥国际The economies of the former Eastern bloc countries have made rapid progress towards free-market capitalism.前东方集团的经济在向自由市场资本主义转变中已经取得飞快进步。剑桥国际We need you to do the repairs as soon as possible.我们需要你尽快进行修理。剑桥国际We will check up as soon as possible and let him know the result. 我们将尽快进行调查,并把结果通知他。译典通

