
单词 小帆
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔day sailer〕A small sailboat for day trips.小帆船:用于日间旅行的小帆美国传统〔dolphin striker〕A small vertical spar under the bowsprit of a sailboat that extends and helps support the martingale.小帆桅:一种在海船船首斜桅后,用来支撑帆的小帆美国传统〔empty out〕The child emptied the toys out of his little rucksack.孩子把他小帆布背包里的玩具全拿了出来。外研社新世纪〔felucca〕A narrow, swift, lateen-rigged sailing vessel, such as that used on the Nile or in the Mediterranean Sea.二桅或三桅小帆船:一种狭窄、快速、装有大三角帆的航船,如尼罗河和地中海用的快速帆船美国传统〔fill away〕Then wind arose, and the little sailing boat filled away.接着乱起了一阵风,于是小帆船乘风而去。21世纪英汉〔galiot〕A light, swift galley formerly used in the Mediterranean.平底小船:从前在地中海里使用的轻快小帆美国传统〔hooker〕A single-masted fishing smack used off the coast of Ireland.小渔船:爱尔兰沿海捕鱼所用的单桅小帆美国传统〔jigger〕A small sail set in the stern of a yawl or similar boat.补助帆,伸艉后桅帆:小帆船或类似船只的船尾上的小装置美国传统〔knockabout〕A small sloop with a mainsail, jib, and keel but no bowsprit.单桅帆船:有一个主帆、三角帆和龙骨但没有船首斜桁的单桅小帆美国传统〔lap〕We have to live in each other's lap in that small sailing boat.在那样一艘小帆船里我们只得紧紧挤在一起。英汉大词典〔lugger〕A small boat used for fishing, sailing, or coasting and having two or three masts, each with a lugsail, and two or three jibs set on the bowsprit.小帆船:用于捕鱼,航海或沿海贸易的小船,它有两三个桅杆,每个桅杆都有斜桁四角帆,在船看斜桁有两三个三角帆美国传统〔pinnace〕A small sailing boat formerly used as a tender for merchant and war vessels.船载舰,舰载艇:一种小帆船,旧时用来作为商船和战舰的补给船美国传统〔round in〕They controlled the speed by rounding in the small sail.他们通过将小帆的绳索拉紧来控制速度。21世纪英汉〔sailboard〕A small light sailboat with a flat hull.帆船:具有平的船体一种轻型小帆美国传统〔sail〕The dinghy gathered speed as the wind filled her sails.风鼓起了帆,小帆船加快了速度。牛津搭配〔smack〕A sloop-rigged boat used chiefly in fishing, especially to transport the catch to market.单桅小帆船:一种主要用于打渔的装有单桅帆船索具的小船,特别用来将捕获品运到市场上美国传统〔tartan〕A small, single-masted Mediterranean ship with a large lateen sail.单桅小帆船:一种带有大三角帆的地中海式单桅船美国传统〔xebec〕A small three-masted Mediterranean vessel with both square and triangular sails.三桅小帆船:航行于地中海的三桅小帆船,它有方形和三角形两种帆美国传统Sometimes on lonely mountain meres, I find a magic bark. 偶而在孤寂荒凉的山间小湖,我觅得一只神奇的小帆船。译典通

