
单词 岩层
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕The cliff revealed horizontal layers of rock. 这座悬崖显示出水平岩层朗文写作活用〔Pliocene〕Pliocene beds 上新世岩层英汉大词典〔basin〕A broad tract of land in which the rock strata are tilted toward a common center.盆地:岩层向共同的中心倾斜的广大陆地区域美国传统〔batholith〕A large mass of igneous rock that has melted and intruded surrounding strata at great depths.岩基:大量的已经熔化并已侵入周围地壳岩层的火成岩美国传统〔date〕The rocks are dated by examining the fossils found in the same layer.通过查看在同一岩层里发现的化石来鉴定岩石的年代。朗文当代〔diapir〕An anticlinal fold in which a mobile core, such as salt or gypsum, has pierced through the more brittle overlying rock.底辟作用:在背斜褶曲内的可活动岩核(如盐或石膏),穿透覆于其上的较脆的岩层美国传统〔hanging wall〕The overlying block of a fault having an inclined fault plane.岩层上盘:拥有断层倾向平面的大量断层块美国传统〔heave〕Geology A horizontal dislocation, as of a rock stratum, at a fault.【地质学】 水平断层:不正常的岩层水平变位或断错美国传统〔horizon〕A specific layer of soil or subsoil in a vertical cross section of land.地层,岩层:处于土地的垂直横截面中的某一具体土层或次土层美国传统〔intrusive〕Geology Of or relating to igneous rock that is forced while molten into cracks or between other layers of rock.【地质学】 形成侵入岩的:属于或关于融入岩石裂缝或岩层之间时直接生成火成岩的美国传统〔kimberlite〕A rock formation in South Africa containing peridotite, in which diamonds are formed.金伯利岩:南非的一种包含橄榄岩的岩层岩层中形成了钻石美国传统〔laccolith〕A mass of igneous rock intruded between layers of sedimentary rock, resulting in uplift.岩盖:一种侵入沉积岩岩层之间的火成岩,它会产生隆起美国传统〔lamina〕Geology A narrow bed of rock.【地质学】 狭窄的岩层美国传统〔ledge〕A level of rock-bearing ore; a vein.矿脉;含矿岩层美国传统〔margarite〕A rock formation that resembles beads, found in glassy igneous rocks.珍珠云母:一种存在于光滑的火成岩岩层中的呈珠粒状的岩层美国传统〔outlier〕Geology A portion of stratified rock separated from a main formation by erosion.【地质学】 外露层:由于受腐蚀而从主岩层脱落的成层岩石的一部分美国传统〔overburden〕Archaeology A sterile stratum overlying a stratum bearing traces of the culture being studied.【考古学】 贫瘠的岩层:覆盖在有研究价值的文化层之上的废石土层美国传统〔overhang〕A projecting part, such as an architectural structure or a rock formation.突出物:突出部分,如一种建筑结构或一种岩层美国传统〔rock〕They tunnelled through the rock.他们穿过岩层挖出一条地道。外研社新世纪〔sill〕Geology An approximately horizontal sheet of igneous rock intruded between older rock beds.【地质学】 岩床:插入两块老岩层之间的近乎水平的火成岩岩层美国传统〔slip〕A smooth crack at which rock strata have moved on each other.平滑裂隙:一种平滑的裂缝,岩层沿其错开美国传统〔stratum〕Contained within the rock strata is evidence that the region was intensely dry 15,000 years ago.岩层中有证据表明,该地区在 15,000 年前曾经非常干旱。柯林斯高阶〔stratum〕Geology A bed or layer of sedimentary rock having approximately the same composition throughout.【地质学】 地层:组成成份大致相同的沉积岩的岩床或岩层美国传统〔terrane〕An area having a preponderance of a particular rock or rock groups.岩层:具有大量的某种岩石或岩石群的地区美国传统〔underlain〕Shale underlies the coal.页岩层在煤层下面。21世纪英汉

