
单词 劝告
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cyrenaic〕Of or advocating the doctrines of Aristippus of Cyrene, who argued that pleasure is the only good in life.昔兰尼学派的:昔兰尼的亚里斯提卜主义的,或者提倡这种主义的,它劝告享乐是人生唯一的乐事美国传统〔DANGEROUS〕The State Department advised its employees that fighting near the borders made it too risky to leave the country. 美国国务院劝告其职员,边境上发生的战斗使出国变得十分危险。朗文写作活用〔DECIDE〕I told him to drive more slowly, but he chose to ignore my advice. 我跟他说了要慢慢开车,但他就是不听我的劝告朗文写作活用〔OFFEND〕Paul took exception to her advice, which he said undermined his self-esteem. 保罗对她的劝告很不悦,说是伤害了他的自尊。朗文写作活用〔START〕After listening carefully to my advice, she proceeded to do the exact opposite! 她仔细听了我的劝告之后,开始做起完全相反的事情来!朗文写作活用〔admonish〕Her teacher admonished her to work harder for her exams.她的老师劝告她想通过考试就要更努力地学习。剑桥高阶〔admonish〕They were admonished to take advantage of the opportunity.他们被劝告要利用这个机会。韦氏高阶〔admonish〕To counsel (another) against something to be avoided; caution.警告某人:劝告(他人)不要做应避免的事;警告美国传统〔admonition〕Cautionary advice or warning.劝告,警告:劝人谨慎的建议或警告美国传统〔advice〕Foreign nationals have mainly left the area on the advice of their governments.外国侨民主要是依从他们政府的劝告才离开了这个地区。外研社新世纪〔advice〕He gave me some advice.他给我些劝告牛津同义词〔advice〕Opinion about what could or should be done about a situation or problem; counsel.建议:关于如何处理或应如何处理形势或问题的观点;劝告美国传统〔advice〕Take my advice. Don't do it.听我的劝告,别干这件事。牛津高阶〔advisee〕One that is advised.被劝告美国传统〔advise〕Her mother was away and couldn't advise her.她的母亲不在身边,无法向她提出劝告牛津高阶〔advise〕Residents are advised not to put their rubbish bags on the pavement outside their houses.居民得到劝告不要把垃圾袋放在房屋外面的人行道上。外研社新世纪〔advise〕To offer advice to; counsel.向…提出建议;劝告美国传统〔after〕After all my advice, you took that measure.你竟不顾我的劝告而采取那种做法。文馨英汉〔against〕He discharged himself from hospital against the advice of doctors.他不顾医生的劝告自行出院了。柯林斯高阶〔appreciation〕He showed no (little) appreciation of my advice.他对我的劝告并不(并不怎么)领情。英汉大词典〔attend〕I wish I had attended to his advice.我后悔没有听从他的劝告英汉大词典〔bellyful〕I've had a bellyful of your silly advice.你那种愚蠢的劝告我已经听够了。英汉大词典〔benefit from〕I benefited from my mother's advice.我受益于母亲的劝告21世纪英汉〔better〕Her advice is better ignored.她的劝告最好置之不理。文馨英汉〔breath〕Don't waste your breath. He never listens to advice.不要白费口舌了,他从来不听任何劝告牛津搭配〔breath〕He is deaf to advice. You're just wasting your breath.别人的劝告他全听不进去,你这是徒费唇舌。英汉大词典〔cast off〕The essay exhorts women to cast off their servitude to husbands and priests.该文劝告女性不要再对丈夫和牧师低三下四。柯林斯高阶〔caution〕I received a caution from the doctor about fat in my diet.医生劝告我注意饮食中的脂肪量美国传统〔consumption〕He was advised to reduce his alcohol consumption.他被劝告减少饮酒。牛津高阶〔counselor〕A person who gives counsel; an adviser.顾问:提建议者;劝告美国传统〔counsel〕My advisers counselled me to do nothing.我的顾问劝告我什么都别做。外研社新世纪〔counsel〕This, however, is a counsel of perfection for most people.然而对于大多数人来说, 这是理想而不切实际的劝告外研社新世纪〔counsel〕You were unwise to reject my counsel.你拒绝我的劝告是不明智的。韦氏高阶〔defy〕She defied her parents and dropped out of school.她不听父母劝告,辍学了。韦氏高阶〔do without〕I can do without your advice, if you don't mind.要是你不介意,我用不着你的劝告21世纪英汉〔exhortation〕A speech or discourse that encourages, incites, or earnestly advises.劝诫性的讲话:为鼓舞、刺激或郑重劝告而作的演说美国传统〔exhortation〕Foreign funds alone are clearly not enough, nor are exhortations to reform.光有外资显然不够,只是劝告人们进行改革也不行。柯林斯高阶〔exhortation〕The act or an instance of exhorting.劝告劝告的行为或事例美国传统〔exhortative〕Acting or intended to encourage, incite, or advise.规劝的:鼓舞的、刺激的或劝告的行动或趋向美国传统〔far〕So far from taking my advice, he went and did just what I warned him against.他非但不接受我的劝告,反而去干了我告诫他别干的事。英汉大词典〔follow〕She refused to follow our advice.她拒绝听从我们的劝告麦克米伦高阶〔follow〕Why didn't you follow my advice? 你为什么不听我的劝告牛津高阶〔foolish〕It would be foolish to ignore his advice.不听他的劝告才傻呢。朗文当代〔heart〕My advice would be to follow your heart.我给你的劝告是跟着感觉走。麦克米伦高阶〔hold by〕You never have held by my advice.你从来不听我的劝告21世纪英汉〔hortative〕Hortatory.劝告的,勉励的美国传统〔hostilities〕The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel in case hostilities break out.政府劝告人民储备燃料, 以防战争爆发。外研社新世纪〔however〕However much advice you give him, he does exactly what he wants.不管你给他多少劝告,他还是我行我素。英汉大词典〔ignore〕We cannot afford to ignore their advice.我们不能不考虑他们的劝告牛津高阶〔immune〕They are immune to persuasion/criticism.他们对劝告/批评无动于衷。韦氏高阶〔interweave〕He interweaves advice and amusing stories to create an entertaining book.他把劝告和搞笑故事融汇在一起,写了一本有趣的书。韦氏高阶〔last〕That's the last time I take your advice!这是我最后一次听你的劝告外研社新世纪〔listen to reason〕Friends tried to persuade them to change their minds, but neither man would listen to reason.朋友们都力劝他们改变想法,但是这两个人谁都不听劝告剑桥高阶〔listen〕She refused to listen to reason (=accept sensible advice) .她不听劝告朗文当代〔manage〕To make submissive to one's authority, discipline, or persuasion.驾驭:使…服从于某人的权威、纪律或劝告美国传统〔misadvise〕To advise wrongly.误导:给…以错误的劝告美国传统〔monitorial〕Monitory.劝告美国传统〔national〕Foreign nationals were advised to leave the country.外国侨民被劝告离开该国。朗文当代〔only〕I would have made a big mistake only you advised.要不是听了你的劝告,我可犯大错误了。21世纪英汉〔part〕I hope you will take the advice in good part.我希望你能愉快地接受劝告英汉大词典〔penance〕The Koran recommends fasting as a penance before pilgrimages.《古兰经》劝告人们在朝圣前斋戒, 以作为一种补赎。外研社新世纪〔promise〕If you don't take my advice, you'll regret it, I promise you.你若不听我的劝告,保管你会后悔的。牛津高阶〔prudent〕He always listened to her prudent advice.他总是听从她的慎重劝告韦氏高阶〔punch〕They generally pull their punches when offering advice.他们在提出劝告时通常用委婉方式表达。英汉大词典〔ram up〕She rammed up her ears and was deaf to all advice.她堵上耳朵,对一切劝告充耳不闻。21世纪英汉〔reason〕No one could make him listen to reason.谁都没法让他听从劝告外研社新世纪〔reason〕To persuade or dissuade (someone) with reasons.说服:用理由来劝告或说服(某人)做或不做某事美国传统〔rede〕Advice or counsel.劝告,忠告美国传统〔rede〕To give advice to; counsel.劝告;忠告美国传统〔render〕I rejected his advice in terms which rendered it impossible for him to address me again.我拒绝了他的劝告,而我所用的措辞使得他再也不可能对我说话了。英汉大词典〔repugnance〕I feel a great [deep] repugnance to his advice.对他的劝告我感到极为厌恶。文馨英汉〔spot-on〕Judith is always spot-on with her advice.朱迪丝的劝告总是对的。朗文当代〔stake ... on〕If you had taken my advice,you wouldn't have made such a bad mistake. I can stake my life on that.如果你听了我的劝告,你就不会犯下这样的大错了,事情绝对是这样。21世纪英汉〔store〕He puts great store on her advice.他非常尊重她的劝告英汉大词典〔suffer〕He could suffer himself to be persuaded by me.他倒是能听进我的劝告21世纪英汉〔take〕He took his friend's advice quite cheerfully.他欣然接受了朋友的劝告21世纪英汉〔throw〕The advice was thrown away on him.对他的劝告白费了。英汉大词典〔tip〕Take my tip.=Take a tip from me.听我的劝告吧。文馨英汉〔unadvised〕Having received no advice; not informed.未曾听过劝告的;不知道的美国传统〔uneasy〕She looked uneasy but promised to follow his advice.她看上去忧心忡忡, 但答应听从他的劝告外研社新世纪〔unhelpful〕His mother gave him plenty of unhelpful advice.他的母亲给他提了许多毫无用处的劝告英汉大词典〔unwilling〕He's unwilling to accept advice.他不愿接受劝告英汉大词典〔warn away〕Analysts warn us away from drawing any conclusions.分析家劝告我们不要妄下结论。柯林斯高阶〔warn away〕Soon an official appeared to warn them away.很快一位官员出来劝告他们离开。柯林斯高阶〔warning〕Counsel to desist from a specified undesirable course of action.告诫:使结束某项特定的不受欢迎的行为的劝告美国传统〔warn〕I wish I'd listened to the people who warned me against having the operation.我真希望自己当时听从了别人的劝告,没去做手术。柯林斯高阶〔well-meant〕Well-meant advice can be more annoying than helpful.出于好心的劝告可能不仅没有任何帮助,反倒使人更厌烦。麦克米伦高阶〔yield〕She yielded to persuasions.她听从了劝告英汉大词典A bullheaded person listens to no persuasion. 顽固的人听不进劝告译典通Despite the exhortations of the union leaders the workers voted to strike.尽管工会领导再三劝告,工人们仍然投票决定罢工。剑桥国际Friends tried to persuade them to change their minds but neither man would listen to reason.朋友们试图说服他们改变主意,但两人都不接受劝告剑桥国际He advised her to be patient.他劝告她要耐心。剑桥国际He advised that she (should) be patient.他劝告她要耐心。剑桥国际If only I'd taken counsel from my mother (=followed my mother's advice), I wouldn't be in such difficulties now.要是我听从了母亲的劝告就好了,现在也不会陷入这种困境了。剑桥国际She wrote him an advisory letter. 她给他写了一封劝告信。译典通Thank you for your advice, I'll bear it in mind (= will remember and consider it).谢谢你的劝告,我会记住的。剑桥国际The doctor advised me to give cigarettes a wide berth after my illness. 医生劝告我病后别再抽烟。译典通The people who have taken our advice have saved themselves a vast amount of money.那些接受了我们的劝告的人们已经节省了一大笔钱。剑桥国际The police are advising motorists marooned by the blizzards to stay in their cars until the rescue services can reach them.警方劝告那些被困于暴风雪中的司机,在救援到达之前先呆在车内。剑桥国际The police reasoned with the hijackers to at least let the children go.警察劝告劫机者至少放孩子走。剑桥国际

