
单词 冰鞋
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Rollerblade〕A trademark used for an in-line skate.直排轮滚轴溜冰鞋的商标美国传统〔balance〕I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates.我穿着新溜冰鞋努力保持平衡。牛津搭配〔balance〕I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates.我穿着新溜冰鞋,努力保持平衡。牛津高阶〔blade〕The metal runner of an ice skate.滑冰鞋金属冰刀美国传统〔bob skate〕An ice skate with two parallel bearing edges.双刀溜冰鞋:一种溜冰鞋,有两个平行的承载用刀刃美国传统〔bob〕A bob skate.双刀溜冰鞋美国传统〔case〕Take your skates in case you decide to go skating.把冰鞋带去,说不定你们会要滑冰呢。英汉大词典〔courtesy〕Healy received a deep cut on his left hand, courtesy of Nicol's ice skate.希利左手被划出了一道深深的伤口,是尼科尔的冰鞋造成的。朗文当代〔giggle〕For a giggle we hired skates and made our way along the seafront.为了好玩, 我们租了溜冰鞋, 沿着海岸滑行。外研社新世纪〔ice skate〕A shoe or light boot with a metal runner or blade fitted to the sole, used for skating on ice.冰鞋,冰刀:后跟处装有金属助跑器或刀状物的鞋或轻便长靴,用于滑冰美国传统〔in-line skate〕A roller skate whose wheels are arranged in a straight line.直排轮滚轴溜冰鞋:滚轴溜冰鞋,鞋底的轮子排成直线美国传统〔lace〕I have a good pair of skates, but no matter how tightly I lace them, my ankles wobble.我有一双不错的溜冰鞋, 可是不管我把鞋带系得多紧, 脚脖子那里还是晃晃荡荡的。外研社新世纪〔lace〕I have a good pair of skates, but no matter how tightly I lace them, my ankles wobble.我有一双不错的溜冰鞋,可是不管我把鞋带系得多紧,脚脖子那里还是空落落的。柯林斯高阶〔pad〕You need pads on your knees and elbows for rollerblading.穿一字轮溜冰鞋滑冰的时候需要用护垫保护膝盖和肘部。麦克米伦高阶〔pick〕Sports A pointed projection on the front of the blade of a figure skate.【体育运动】 冰刀尖:花样溜冰鞋刀刃前方的尖的突出部分美国传统〔rocker〕An ice skate with a curved blade.弯刀冰鞋:底部有用于滑冰的冰刀的鞋美国传统〔roller skate〕A shoe or boot with two or four wheels or casters attached to its sole for skating on hard surfaces.旱冰鞋:一种用于在坚硬地面上滑行的鞋子或靴子,鞋底有两个或四个轮子或小脚轮美国传统〔roller-skate〕A boy of about ten came up on roller-skates.一个10岁左右、脚蹬旱冰鞋的男孩滑了过来。柯林斯高阶〔roller-skate〕To engage in roller skating.穿溜冰鞋滑行美国传统〔roller〕A small, spokeless wheel, such as that of a roller skate or caster.滚轮:如旱冰鞋或小脚轮上没有辐条的小轮子美国传统〔runner〕The blade of a skate.冰鞋的冰刀美国传统〔skate〕A roller skate.旱冰鞋美国传统〔skate〕An ice skate.冰鞋美国传统〔skate〕To glide or move along on or as if on skates.溜冰:用冰鞋或仿佛在用冰鞋在向滑行或移动美国传统〔street hockey〕A variation of ice hockey played on pavement by players wearing shoes or in-line skates and often using a ball instead of a puck.街上曲棍球:冰上曲棍球的变化形式,球员穿普通鞋或直排轮滚轴溜冰鞋在硬路面上比赛并且通常用普通球代替冰球美国传统〔up〕On the way out a boy came up on roller skates.出去时一个男孩踩着溜冰鞋滑了过来。外研社新世纪〔whiz〕He whizzed past us on skates.他穿着溜冰鞋从我们身边飞驰而过。韦氏高阶I got some new roller skates for my birthday.我过生日时收到了新的四轮溜冰鞋剑桥国际I've just got some new ice / roller skates, but I can't balance very well on them yet.我刚得到一双新的冰鞋/旱冰鞋,但我穿上后还不能非常好地保持平衡。剑桥国际On Christmas she got a new pair of skates. 耶诞节时她得到一双新溜冰鞋译典通She roller-skated to the shops.她穿着四轮溜冰鞋溜去商店。剑桥国际She tried out her new Rollerblades in the park.她在公园里试验她的新单排轮溜冰鞋剑桥国际

