
单词 出色
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕They say that the new Argentinian striker will be as good as Maradona. 他们说那名新的阿根廷前锋将同马拉多纳一样出色朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕She's one of the rising stars of politics and an excellent public speaker. 她是政界的新秀之一,是一位非常出色的演说家。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕It was an outstanding performance by a talented young actor. 这是一位很有天赋的年轻演员出色的表演。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕Inside there are lots of handy hints to help you take better pictures. 其中有许多便捷的提示,能帮助你拍出更出色的照片。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The team is in such dire straits they've even considered selling their three best players. 这支球队陷入了如此艰难的困境,他们甚至在考虑转让三名最出色的球员。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕People who are successful in their careers have found out what they like and do well. 事业有成的人都找到了自己喜欢并且干得出色的事情。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕I've heard Jessie play a number of times, and I think he's great. 杰西的演奏我听过几次,我觉得他很出色朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕France produces some of the world's best dessert wines, and this is an excellent example. 法国出产世界上最好的餐后甜酒,这就是一个出色的例子。朗文写作活用〔UNUSUAL〕The record features some remarkable guitar and piano solos. 这张唱片以一些出色的吉他独奏曲和钢琴独奏曲为主要内容。朗文写作活用〔VOTE〕I hope Ian will decide to stand because he'd make an excellent president. 我希望伊恩会决定参选,因为他会是一位出色的总统。朗文写作活用〔absent〕Absent more and better research, it seemed sensible to initiate study.鉴于没有进行更多和更出色的研究工作,从头学起是明智的。英汉大词典〔acclaim〕Angela Bassett has won critical acclaim for her excellent performance.安吉拉•贝塞特凭借其出色的表演赢得了评论界的赞誉。外研社新世纪〔accomplished〕She has the confidence of an accomplished athlete.她像出色的运动员那样信心十足。韦氏高阶〔all right〕The quality of his work is all right but not outstanding.他的工作还算不错,但算不上出色韦氏高阶〔amazingly〕France are doing amazingly well in the World Cup.法国队目前在世界杯上的表现极为出色外研社新世纪〔audience〕The more plays he sees the better an audience he becomes.他戏看得越多就越有出色的鉴赏力。英汉大词典〔awesome〕You did an awesome job on that project.你在那个项目上表现很出色韦氏高阶〔ball〕His ball control was excellent.他的控球技术非常出色牛津搭配〔belong〕Keane does not belong in such illustrious company基恩不适合待在这样出色的公司。外研社新世纪〔bloody〕She did bloody well to win that race.她非常出色地赢得了那场赛跑。牛津高阶〔brilliant〕Her performance was truly brilliant.她的表演确实非常出色牛津搭配〔but〕He was a fine young man, but then so had his father been.他是个优秀的小伙子, 不过这也难怪, 他父亲年轻时也很出色外研社新世纪〔circumstance〕She did the job very well in the circumstances.她在那种情况下仍把工作干得很出色牛津高阶〔class〕Laughton is a class act who's proved his worth in the game.劳顿是一名出色的选手,他在这场比赛中证明了自己的价值。朗文当代〔conception〕A good novelist needs great powers of conception.出色的小说家需要有丰富的想象力。英汉大词典〔connotation〕The word 'professional' has connotations of skill and excellence.“专业的”一词带有技能和出色的含义。朗文当代〔consultation〕With such excellent studies available for consultation, it should be easy to avoid the pitfalls.有如此出色的研究报告可供参考, 避开陷阱并非难事。外研社新世纪〔copybook〕It was a copybook operation by the police.警方的这一行动非常出色牛津高阶〔crop〕The judges will select the best from this year's crop of first novels.评委们将从今年的一批处女作小说中选出最出色的一部。剑桥高阶〔crowd〕You have to do things exceptionally well to stand out from the crowd (=be different from ordinary people) .要想胜人一筹的话,你做事就得非常出色朗文当代〔customer service〕The firm has an excellent customer service department.该公司有一个非常出色的客户服务部。柯林斯高阶〔deliver〕Some providers are doing this exceptionally well while others are failing to deliver.一些供应商做得极其出色, 而另一些却交不了货。外研社新世纪〔drive〕He'll do very well—he has tremendous drive.他会干得很出色的,他干劲十足。牛津高阶〔easily〕He is easily the best player on the field.他无疑是场上最出色的运动员。英汉大词典〔effulgent〕He is the most effulgent of living actors.他是当代演员中最出色的明星。英汉大词典〔execute〕The second goal was superbly executed.第二个目标完成得很出色牛津搭配〔extraordinarily〕Rozhdestvensky is an extraordinary musician.罗日杰斯特文斯基是位出色的音乐家。柯林斯高阶〔fabulous〕What a fabulous kid! 多出色的孩子! 英汉大词典〔fair〕His work is only fair, certainly not distinguished.他的工作成绩只不过一般,远不算出色英汉大词典〔fire〕I had a brilliant English teacher who fired me with enthusiasm for literature at an early age.我有过一位出色的英语老师,在我很小的时候就激起了我对文学的热情。剑桥高阶〔game〕The world No. 9 had to raise his game to see off a strong challenge from Dale.这位世界排名第九的选手必须有更出色的表现才能击退戴尔强有力的挑战。柯林斯高阶〔go〕Oh, go on, I'm not that good.哦,行了,我没那么出色英汉大词典〔gratified〕He's very/highly gratified that his students have done so well.学生们表现出色,他很高兴。韦氏高阶〔honour〕He was honored with an award for excellence in teaching.他因教学出色而获表彰。朗文当代〔horsewoman〕She developed into an excellent horsewoman.她成了一位出色的女骑手。柯林斯高阶〔impressively〕The Socialists performed impressively in the elections.社会党人在选举中的表现尤为出色外研社新世纪〔impressive〕She was very impressive in the interview.她在面试中表现得十分出色牛津高阶〔inspire〕His superb play inspired the team to a thrill ing 5–0 win.他的出色表现使球队士气大振,以 5:0 大获全胜。牛津高阶〔jake〕Suitable or satisfactory; fine.出色的:舒适的或令人满意的;美好的美国传统〔jumper〕He is a terrific athlete and a brilliant jumper.他是个出色的运动员,弹跳力非常好。柯林斯高阶〔killer〕Dizzy was a real killer on the trumpet.迪齐是个非常出色的小号手。剑桥高阶〔line-up〕Heading this year's line-up is Elton John.今年最出色的人则是埃尔顿•约翰。外研社新世纪〔magnificence〕The team played magnificently throughout the competition.球队整场比赛发挥非常出色柯林斯高阶〔midfield〕The midfield did very well in the first half.中场球员在上半场表现很出色朗文当代〔nice〕They made a nice job of it.他们干得很出色外研社新世纪〔nickname〕Earvin “Magic” Johnson got his nickname from the way he handled a basketball.埃尔文·约翰逊因打篮球技艺出色获得“魔术师”绰号。韦氏高阶〔opponent〕He's the best opponent I've come across this season, a great player.他是我本赛季遇到的最出色的对手,一位了不起的运动员。柯林斯高阶〔organizational〕Evelyn's excellent organisational skills were soon spotted by her employers.伊夫琳出色的组织能力很快就被老板发现。柯林斯高阶〔organization〕The organization of the painting is quite remarkable.这幅画的构图很出色英汉大词典〔organizer〕She was a good organiser.她是个出色的组织者。柯林斯高阶〔outstanding〕These companies have done outstanding work in human relations.这些公司在人际关系上的工作做得非常出色外研社新世纪〔outstanding〕You did an outstanding job on the project.你在这个项目上出色地完成了任务。韦氏高阶〔over〕A good teacher has an easy authority over a class.出色的老师轻而易举就能让一个班的学生听话。剑桥高阶〔par excellence〕Bresson is par excellence the Catholic film-maker.布雷森是个非常出色的天主教电影制作人。柯林斯高阶〔performer〕Star performers are rewarded with bonuses.表现出色的人有奖金。朗文当代〔persuaded〕All great persuaders and salesmen are the same.所有出色的说客和推销员都是一样的。柯林斯高阶〔pull up〕We had a very good mathematics mistress who pulled me up.我们有个很出色的女数学老师,她帮我提高了水平。柯林斯高阶〔put〕We put on a fantastic performance against a much more experienced side.在经验丰富得多的对手面前我们表现很出色麦克米伦高阶〔recognize〕The company recognized Mr Brown's outstanding work by promoting him to chief accountant.公司提升布朗先生为总会计师以表彰他出色的工作。21世纪英汉〔rendering〕His rendering of the part of Hamlet was splendid.他扮演哈姆雷特这一角色极为出色英汉大词典〔render〕The dramatist's conception was well rendered.剧作家的构思得到了出色的表述。英汉大词典〔response〕This remarkable girl was sent to me in response to my request for a suitable secretary.他应我需要一名合格秘书的要求,给我派来这个出色的姑娘。英汉大词典〔satisfying〕It's satisfying to play a game really well.打一场出色的比赛是一件惬意的事。牛津高阶〔securely〕Graham's achievements helped secure him the job.出色的成绩帮助格雷厄姆拿下了这份工作。柯林斯高阶〔single〕He was singled out as the outstanding performer of the games.他被评选为这次运动会表现最出色的运动员。牛津高阶〔staff〕The entire staff has done an outstanding job this year.今年全体员工业绩出色朗文当代〔star〕Laporte, as Ebenezer Scrooge, is undoubtedly the star of the show .扮演艾伯纳泽‧斯克鲁奇的拉波特毫无疑问是这出戏中最出色者。朗文当代〔supremely〕She does her job supremely well.她的工作做得非常出色外研社新世纪〔terrific〕The actress who played the lawyer was terrific.扮演律师的女演员表演十分出色朗文当代〔unbelievably〕Unbelievably, our Government are now planning to close this magnificent institution.让人匪夷所思的是, 我们的政府竟然在计划关闭这个出色的机构。外研社新世纪〔uncommonly〕Mary was uncommonly good at tennis.玛丽的网球打得非常出色柯林斯高阶〔view〕The prevailing view is that he has done a good job in difficult circumstances.大多数人认为他在困难的情况下干得很出色牛津搭配〔vintage〕She turned in a vintage display of tennis to win the title.她在网球赛中表现得最出色而赢得了冠军。麦克米伦高阶〔whatever〕He's good at whatever he does.他做事样样出色柯林斯高阶〔wheels come/fall off〕The pitcher was doing well for the first four innings, then the wheels fell off in the fifth.投手前四局表现出色,但在第五局时突然发挥失常。韦氏高阶〔wizard〕Chiefly British Excellent.【多用于英国】 出色的,极好的美国传统〔worker〕They are both hard/fast/good workers.他们俩都是工作努力/很快/出色的人。韦氏高阶After he retired, he was appointed chairman of the parish council, a post he filled worthily for several years.他退休后被任命为行政堂区委员会的主席,在这个职位上他出色地干了几年。剑桥国际Blunkett's Circus is the greatest show on earth (=in the world).布伦基特的马戏团是世界上最出色的。剑桥国际He does a brilliant send-up of the President.他模仿总统相当出色剑桥国际He shines at golf. 他高尔夫球打得很出色译典通He was well-informed and shrewd, with good, calm judgment.他博学精明,并且有着出色,冷静的判断力。剑桥国际He's a wonderful cook.他是一位出色的厨师。剑桥国际I thought he carried off the part of Hamlet with great skill.我认为他以出色的技巧成功地扮演了哈姆雷特。剑桥国际Many see Parker as the obvious leader, whose voluble style works well on TV.许多人把帕克看做是当然的领袖,他那能言善辩的风格在电视上显得很出色剑桥国际Sarah Peretsky is one of the best crime writers of her generation.莎拉·佩雷斯基是她那时代最出色的犯罪小说作家之一。剑桥国际She was an executive with good negotiating skills.她是个具有出色谈判技巧的经理。剑桥国际The exhibition includes a wonderful group of animals sculptured in wax.展览包括一组出色的动物蜡像。剑桥国际You've done a grand job.你干得很出色剑桥国际Your work is first class.你做得十分出色剑桥国际

